2026 Grant Round Application acceptance period dates to be announced.

Application Process

1. Sign Up

  • Sign up for notification for Growing Greener Watershed Protection, Section EPA 319 Nonpoint Source Management,  and Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act Grant Programs notification.

2. Review Materials

    3. Look Over Examples

    4. Complete Forms

    5. Apply

    Grant Awards

    Investment Tracker

    For a listing of awarded grants, please see DEP’s Investment Tracker*

    *Currently, DEP’s Investment Tracker is only displaying information for grants awarded using the Electronic Single Application system. Dates of inclusion in this system will vary by grant program. Historic data for all awards not contained in this current report will be added in the near future.

    Grant Program Management


    Contact Us

    Success Stories

    ​We regraded streambanks, improved in-stream habitat, created a vegetated stormwater swale, installed streambank fencing, and planted a riparian buffer on a farm at the bottom of a highly developed unnamed tributary of Mill Creek. This is removing 67 tons of sediment, 96 pounds of nitrogen, and 34 pounds of phosphorus from the creek every year.

    -- Matt Kofroth, Lancaster County Conservation District.

    Riparian Buffers

    ​We’re following the Pine Creek Watershed Implementation Plan to address nonpoint source water pollution. Since completion of Phase 1, the transformation of our community has been striking, not only in the new commercial district infrastructure, but in how we view ourselves and how we’re seen by our neighbors, our partners in the watershed, and regionally as an example of the benefits of the Section 319 program. The Green Streets Project has attracted new residents and influenced businesses to consider Etna. 

    -- Mary Ellen Ramage, Manager, Borough of Etna

    During Phase 1
    After Phase 1