Land Application of Biosolids Training Course

Course Details

A Land Application of Biosolids and Residential Septage Training course has been scheduled for June 3 and 4, 2025, at the DEP Southcentral Regional Office. Class size is limited. The registration cutoff deadline is May 2, 2025

Required Training

In compliance with Chapter 271, §271.915(j), anyone who land applies sewage sludge or residential septage, and at least one person who prepares sewage sludge or residential septage that will be land applied, is required to satisfactorily complete the training course provided by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) within one year of a person beginning to conduct land application operations.


This 11-hour course will be taught on two consecutive days. Only individuals who attend the entire two-day class will receive a course completion certificate. It will be necessary to have a copy of the certificate available when land applying biosolids.

DEP may suspend or revoke the individual permit, or coverage under a land application of sewage sludge general permit, if the person preparing or land applying biosolids or residential septage under a permit has not satisfactorily completed the training course sponsored by DEP.

Trainees are admitted without regard to race, color, age, religion, political affiliation, national origin, or disability.

Who Should Attend:

Responsible operators, appliers and septage haulers.

Registration Process:

Pre-registration is required; walk-in registrants will not be accepted.

The registration is for the course selected only. Registration must be in writing. Please use the attached registration form or a copy of it. All registrations must be received by this office no later than the cut-off date for the course you've selected. Fees are nonrefundable unless the maximum class size has been reached Class size is limited. Preference will be given to those persons who must attend the training to meet the requirements in §271.915(j) and those who currently land-apply.

On the registration form, circle the course and breakout session you need to attend. All registrations will be confirmed through the mail, or by email if an email address is provided. If you have any questions regarding your registration, please call 717-783-1820.

Biosolids Training Registration Form (PDF)

Contact Hours:

This course is DEP-approved for 11 Wastewater contact hours.


The registration fee is $125​. Please make checks payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The registration fee includes: interactive instruction, comprehensive workbook, materials, lunches and breaks. Fees are nonrefundable unless the maximum class size has been reached.

What You Will Learn:

This training course will address all aspects of the biosolids land application program. It will provide all attendees with basic training on regulatory requirements, collecting samples of biosolids, determining nutrients needed for crops, properly estimating the agronomic rate of biosolids for a field, etc.

What You Need To Bring:

All registrants should bring a calculator and pen or pencil. Septage haulers should bring their pH meter and instruction manual.

Course Agenda

Day 1

8:30 - 9:00Registration
 Chapter 1- Course Introduction
 Chapter 2 - Biosolids and Residential Septage Characteristics
 Chapter 3 - Biosolids Quality Criteria, Sampling Protocols and Procedures / Residential Septage Processing, pH Monitoring and Sampling
10:15 - 10:30Break
 Chapter 3 - Biosolids Quality Criteria, Sampling Protocols and Procedures / Residential Septage Processing, pH Monitoring and Sampling (continued)
12:00 - 1:00Lunch
 Chapter 3 - Biosolids Quality Criteria, Sampling Protocols and Procedures / Residential Septage Processing, pH Monitoring and Sampling (continued)
2:15 - 2:30Break
2:30- 4:15Chapter 4 - Site Suitability, Site Selection and Notifications
4:15- 4:30Day 1 Summation

Day 2

8:30- 9:00Registration
 Welcome / Day 2 Roadmap
 Chapter 5 - Agronomic and Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates /Residential Septage Annual Application Rates
 Chapter 5 - Agronomic and Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates /Residential Septage Annual Application Rates (continued)
12:00 - 1:00Lunch
 Chapter 5 - Agronomic and Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates / Residential Septage Annual Application Rates (continued)
2:30 - 2:45Break
 Chapter 6 - Site Management
 Chapter 7 -Recordkeeping and Reporting
 Chapter 8 - Inspections and Compliance
4:15- 4:30Chapter 9 and Course Summation

This course is DEP-approved for 11 Wastewater contact hours.