Previous Years' Meetings
Wednesday, October 9th – Solid Waste and Recycling Fund Advisory Committees Joint Meeting
- October 9, 2024, SWAC & RFAC Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- SWAC: Minutes of the June 26, 2024, SWAC Meeting (PDF)
- SWAC: Technical Guidance Document (TGD) Updates (PDF)
- RFAC: Minutes of the October 19, 2023, RFAC Meeting (PDF)
- Review of FY 2023–2024 Recycling Fund Expenditures
- Section 901 Municipal Waste Planning & Household Hazardous Waste Education Grant Awards (PDF)
- Section 901 Household Hazardous Waste Program Reimbursement Grant Awards (PDF)
- 902 Municipal Waste Recycling Program Development & Implementation Grant Awards (Round 62) (PDF)
- Section 903 County Recycling Coordinator Grant Awards (CY 2022) (PDF)
- Section 904 Municipal Waste Recycling Performance Grant Reimbursement Awards (CY 2022) (PDF)
- RFAC: FY 2025-2026 Recycling Fund Spending Plan
- Review of FY 2023–2024 Recycling Fund Expenditures
June 26th – Solid Waste Advisory Committee Meeting
- June 26, 2024, SWAC Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- Minutes of the October 19, 2023, SWAC Meeting (PDF)
- June 26, 2024, SWAC Meeting Presentation (PDF)
Thursday, October 19th – Solid Waste and Recycling Fund Advisory Committees Joint Meeting
- October 19, 2023, SWAC & RFAC Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- SWAC: Minutes of the March 30, 2023, SWAC Meeting (PDF)
- SWAC: Draft Technical Guidance Document (TGD) – Guidance Manual for Permitting of New Commercial Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities (PDF)
- Draft TGD: Guidance Manual for Permitting of New Commercial Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities (251-2100-755) (PDF)
- SWAC: Draft TGD – Guidelines for the Preparation of a Contingency Plan for the Transportation of Residual Waste (PDF)
- Draft TGD: Guidelines for the Preparation of a Contingency Plan for the Transportation of Residual Waste (254-5900-002) (PDF)
- SWAC: Draft Revised TGD – Residual Waste and Special Handling Waste Streams (258-2000-764) (Word)
- Interim Final Environmental Justice Policy (PDF)
- RFAC: Food Recovery Infrastructure Grant (FRIG) Overview (PDF)
- Review of FY 2022–2023 Recycling Fund Expenditures
- Food Recovery Infrastructure Grant Awards (Round 2) (PDF)
- Section 901 Municipal Waste Planning & Household Hazardous Waste Education Grant Awards (PDF)
- Section 901 Household Hazardous Waste Program Reimbursement Grant Awards (PDF)
- Section 902 Municipal Waste Recycling Program Development & Implementation Grant Awards (Round 61) (PDF)
- Section 903 County Recycling Coordinator Grant Awards (CY 2021) (PDF)
- Section 904 Municipal Waste Recycling Performance Grant Reimbursement Awards (CY 2021) (PDF)
- RFAC: FY 2024-2025 Recycling Fund Spending Plan
- Review of FY 2022–2023 Recycling Fund Expenditures
Thursday, March 30th – Solid Waste Advisory Committee Hybrid Meeting
- March 30, 2023, SWAC Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- Minutes of the December 15, 2022, SWAC Meeting (PDF)
- New DEP-Initiated General Permit for Anaerobic Digestion at Sewage Treatment Facilities (PDF)
- September 16, 2022, SWAC & RFAC Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- SWAC: Minutes of the June 14, 2022, SWAC Meeting (PDF)
- SWAC: Bureau of Waste Management Non-Regulatory Update (PDF)
- Draft Revised TGD: Execution of Release Forms (250-3120-320) (PDF)
- Draft Revised TGD: Citing Inspection Violations (250-4000-001) (PDF)
- Draft Revised TGD: Violations Requiring and Extended Period of Time to Correct (250-4000-003) (PDF)
- Draft Revised TGD: Notices of Violation (250-4110-001) (PDF)
- Draft Revised TGD: Calculation of Civil Penalties (250-4180-302) (PDF)
- RFAC: Review of FY 2021-2022 Recycling Fund Expenditures
- Section 901 Municipal Waste Planning Grant Awards (PDF)
- Section 901 Household Hazardous Waste Education Grant Awards (PDF)
- Section 902 Municipal Waste Recycling Program Development & Implementation Grant Awards (Round 60) (PDF)
- Section 903 County Recycling Coordinator Grant Awards (PDF)
- Section 904 Municipal Waste Recycling Performance Grant Reimbursement Awards (PDF)
- Recycling Public Education and Technical Assistance Expenditures (PDF)
- RFAC: FY 2023-2024 Recycling Fund Spending Plan (PDF)
- RFAC: Review of FY 2021-2022 Recycling Fund Expenditures
Thursday, December 15th – Solid Waste Advisory Committee - Virtual Meeting
- December 15, 2022, SWAC Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- Minutes of the September 16, 2022, SWAC & RFAC Meeting (PDF)
- Bureau of Waste Management Non-Regulatory Update Part 2 (PDF)
- Draft Revised TGD: Enforcement Actions (250-4000-002) (PDF)
- Draft Revised TGD: Program Implementation Guidance (250-4000-004) (PDF)
- Draft Revised TGD: Performing Municipal and Residual Waste Facility Inspections (254-3120-001) (PDF)
- Draft Revised TGD: Guidelines for the Development and Implementation of Preparedness, Prevention and Contingency Plans for Generators and Burners of Waste Oil (254-5900-001) (PDF)
- Draft Final Rulemaking: MAX Delisting Rule (PDF)
- Draft Final Annex A (PDF)
Friday, September 16th – Solid Waste and Recycling Fund Advisory Committees - Hybrid Meeting
- September 16, 2022, SWAC & RFAC Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- SWAC: Minutes of the June 14, 2022, SWAC Meeting (PDF)
- SWAC: Bureau of Waste Management Non-Regulatory Update (PDF)
- Draft Revised TGD: Execution of Release Forms (250-3120-320) (PDF)
- Draft Revised TGD: Citing Inspection Violations (250-4000-001) (PDF)
- Draft Revised TGD: Violations Requiring and Extended Period of Time to Correct (250-4000-003) (PDF)
- Draft Revised TGD: Notices of Violation (250-4110-001) (PDF)
- Draft Revised TGD: Calculation of Civil Penalties (250-4180-302) (PDF)
- RFAC: Review of FY 2021-2022 Recycling Fund Expenditures
- Section 901 Municipal Waste Planning Grant Awards (PDF)
- Section 901 Household Hazardous Waste Education Grant Awards (PDF)
- Section 902 Municipal Waste Recycling Program Development & Implementation Grant Awards (Round 60) (PDF)
- Section 903 County Recycling Coordinator Grant Awards (PDF)
- Section 904 Municipal Waste Recycling Performance Grant Reimbursement Awards (PDF)
- Recycling Public Education and Technical Assistance Expenditures (PDF)
- RFAC: FY 2023-2024 Recycling Fund Spending Plan (PDF)
- RFAC: Review of FY 2021-2022 Recycling Fund Expenditures
Tuesday, June 14th – Solid Waste Advisory Committee - Hybrid Meeting
Thursday, December 16th – Solid Waste and Recycling Fund Advisory Committees Hybrid Meeting
- December 16, 2021, SWAC & RFAC Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- Minutes of the June 17, 2021, SWAC Meeting (PDF)
- Minutes of the September 16, 2021, RFAC Meeting (PDF)
- Act 101 White Paper (PDF)
- CDRA White Paper (PDF)
Thursday, September 16th - Recycling Fund Advisory Committee Annual Meeting
- September 16, 2021, RFAC Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- Review of FY 2020-2021 Recycling Fund Expenditures
- Section 901 Municipal Waste Planning Grant Awards (PDF)
- Section 901 Household Hazardous Waste Education Grant Awards (PDF)
- Section 902 Municipal Waste Recycling Program Development & Implementation Grant Awards (Round 59) (PDF)
- Section 903 County Recycling Coordinator Grant Awards (PDF)
- Section 904 Municipal Waste Recycling Performance Grant Reimbursement Awards (PDF)
- Section 904 Municipal Waste Recycling Performance Grant Projected Awards (PDF)
- Food Recovery Infrastructure Grant (FRIG) Awards (PDF)
- Recycling Public Education and Technical Assistance Expenditures (PDF)
- FY 2022-2023 Recycling Fund Spending Plan
- Review of FY 2020-2021 Recycling Fund Expenditures
Thursday, June 17th - Solid Waste Advisory Committee WebEx Meeting
- June 17, 2021, SWAC Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- Minutes of the March 18, 2021, SWAC & RFAC Meeting (PDF)
- Draft Final TGD: Guidance Document on Radioactivity Monitoring at Solid Waste Processing and Disposal Facilities (PDF)
Thursday, March 18th - Solid Waste and Recycling Fund Advisory Committees WebEx Meeting
Thursday, March 12th - Solid Waste Advisory Committee Meeting - CANCELLED
- March 12, 2020, SWAC Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- Minutes of the September 12, 2019, SWAC & RFAC Meeting (PDF)
- Draft Proposed Rulemaking: Annex A, Chapters 271 & 279 – Municipal Waste Permit-by-Rule for Rural Transfer Facilities (PDF)
Wednesday, June 3rd – Virtual Solid Waste Advisory Committee Meeting – Skype Conference Information on Meeting Agenda
- June 3, 2020, SWAC Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- Minutes of the September 12, 2019, SWAC & RFAC Meeting (PDF)
- Draft Proposed Rulemaking: Annex A, Chapters 271 & 279 – Municipal Waste Permit-by-Rule for Rural Transfer Facilities (PDF)
- 2019 Pennsylvania Littering and Illegal Dumping Research (PDF)
Thursday, September 10th - Solid Waste and Recycling Fund Advisory Committees WebEx Meeting
- September 10, 2020, SWAC & RFAC Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- Minutes of the June 3, 2020, SWAC Meeting (PDF)
- Draft Proposed Rulemaking: MAX Bulger and Yukon Hazardous Waste Delisting Petitions
- RFAC: Review of FY 2019-2020 Recycling Fund Expenditures
- Section 901 Municipal Waste Planning Grant Awards (PDF)
- Section 902 Municipal Waste Recycling Program Development & Implementation Grant Awards (Round 58) (PDF)
- Section 903 County Recycling Coordinator Grant Awards (PDF)
- Section 904 Municipal Waste Recycling Performance Grant Reimbursement Awards (PDF)
- Food Recovery Infrastructure Grant (FRIG) Awards (PDF)
- Recycling Public Education and Technical Assistance Expenditures (PDF)
- RFAC: FY 2021-2022 Recycling Fund Spending Plan
September 12th - Solid Waste and Recycling Fund Advisory Committees Meeting
- September 12, 2019, SWAC & RFAC Agenda (PDF)
- Minutes of the June 6, 2019, SWAC & RFAC Meeting (PDF)
- Draft Final Omitted Rulemaking: Annex A, Chapter 261a. Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste (PDF)
- Organic Waste Management and Recycling (PDF)
- RFAC: Review of FY 2018-2019 Recycling Fund Expenditures and FY 2020-2021 Public Education and Technical Assistance Expenditures
- Fiscal Year 2018 Municipal Waste Planning Section 901 Planning Grant Awards (PDF)
- Fiscal Year 2018 Municipal Waste Section 902 Recycling Program Development & Implementation Grant Awards (Round 57) (PDF)
- Fiscal Year 2019 Municipal Waste Section 902 Recycling Program Development & Implementation Grant Applications Summary (Round 58) (PDF)
- Calendar Year 2016 Municipal Waste Section 904 Performance Grant Reimbursement Awards (PDF)
- Calendar Year 2017 Municipal Waste Section 904 Performance Grant Reimbursement Awards (PDF)
- Fiscal Year 2020 Recycling Public Education and Technical Assistance Expenditures (PDF)
- RFAC: FY 2020-2021 Recycling Fund Spending Plan
- RFAC: Review of FY 2018-2019 Recycling Fund Expenditures and FY 2020-2021 Public Education and Technical Assistance Expenditures
June 6th - Solid Waste and Recycling Fund Advisory Committees Meeting
- June 6, 2019 SWAC & RFAC Agenda (PDF)
- Minutes of the December 12, 2018 SWAC Meeting (PDF)
- Minutes of the December 12, 2018 RFAC Meeting (PDF)
- Review of Committee Bylaws
- Draft Bylaws of the Department of Environmental Protection Solid Waste Advisory Committee (PDF)
- Draft Bylaws of the Department of Environmental Protection Recycling Fund Advisory Committee (PDF)
- Draft Guidance Document on Radioactivity Monitoring at Solid Waste Processing and Disposal Facilities (PDF)
- Review of Committee Bylaws
December 12, 2018 - Solid Waste and Recycling Fund Advisory Committees Meeting
- December 12, 2018 SWAC & RFAC Agenda (PDF)
- Minutes of the September 20, 2018, SWAC Meeting (PDF)
- Update on DEP's Guidance for Dealing with Radioactivity in Solid Waste (PDF of PowerPoint presentation)
- DRAFT General Permit WMGM064 - County Recycling Convenience Center and Satellite Station (PDF)
- Minutes of the September 20, 2018, RFAC Meeting (PDF)
- Minutes of the November 5, 2018, Special RFAC Meeting (PDF)
- DRAFT Summary of Stakeholder Priorities for Changes to Act 101, The Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (PDF)
November 5, 2018 – Special Recycling Fund Advisory Committee Meeting
- November 5, 2018 RFAC Agenda (PDF)
- DRAFT Summary of Stakeholder Priorities for Changes to Act 101, The Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (PDF)
September 20, 2018 - Solid Waste and Recycling Fund Advisory Committees Meeting
- September 20, 2018 SWAC & RFAC Agenda (PDF)
- June 7, 2018, RFAC Meeting (PDF)
- Review of FY 2017–2018 Recycling Fund Expenditures and Public Education and Technical Assistance Expenditure
- Act 101, Section 901 Planning & HHW Education Grant Applications (PDF)
- Act 101, Section 902 Recycling Program Development and Implementation Grant Applications (PDF)
- Act 101, Section 904 Recycling Performance Grants, Calendar Year 2015 (PDF)
- Act 101, Section 904 Recycling Performance Grants, Calendar Year 2016 (PDF)
- DRAFT Section 904 Grant Application Residue Rate Evaluation (PDF)
- Recycling Fund Public Education and Technical Assistance Expenditures (PDF)
- Budgeted Special Fund Financial Statement - DEP Recycling Fund (009) (PDF)
- Minutes of the June 7, 2018, SWAC Meeting (PDF)
- Draft Proposed Management of Fill Policy
- Review of FY 2017–2018 Recycling Fund Expenditures and Public Education and Technical Assistance Expenditure
June 7, 2018 - Solid Waste and Recycling Fund Advisory Committees Meeting
- June 7, 2018 SWAC & RFAC Agenda (PDF)
- Minutes of the December 6, 2017, SWAC Meeting (PDF)
- Minutes of the January 30, 2018, Special RFAC Meeting (PDF)
- Revisions to DEP's Management of Fill Policy (PDF)
- DRAFT Pennsylvania County Recycling Coordinator Responsibilities (PDF, Revised 2/8/2018)
Cancelled* March 8, 2018 - Solid Waste and Recycling Fund Advisory Committees Meeting
*Meeting cancelled due to inclement weather
- March 8, 2018 Agenda (PDF)
- Minutes of the December 6, 2017 SWAC Meeting (PDF)
- Minutes of the January 30, 2018 Special RFAC Meeting (PDF)
- Revisions to DEP's Management of Fill Policy (PDF)
- DRAFT Pennsylvania County Recycling Coordinator Responsibilities (PDF, Revised 2/8/2018)