Well Disinfection (PDF)(opens in a new tab): If your well is impacted by flooding, you may want to "shock" your well after the water recedes. Please follow these disinfection instructions.

After shocking your well wait at least 5 days for the best chance of determining whether the contamination problem is ongoing as opposed to being caused by the flooding. Have your water tested again by a certified laboratory(opens in a new tab) for bacteria. 

DEP recommends that private wells test negative for coliform bacteria. The presence of coliforms indicates that unsanitary conditions and/or disease-producing bacteria and viruses may be present. Continue using boiled (1 minute at a rolling boil) or bottled water until your well water is free from coliform bacteria. Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, cooking, food preparation, dishwashing, making ice and coffee, mixing baby formula, and brushing teeth.

Other Flood Resources can be found on the Flooding and Storm-Related Resources page.