Northcentral Community Information

​​Benner Township HSCA Investigation

DEP’s Bureau of Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields is investigating a groundwater plume located in Benner Township, Centre County, in accordance with the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (HSCA). Periodic updates about this investigation will be posted on this page.

The current Benner Township investigation began in 2020 in response to sampling data from public water supply wells collected by DEP’s Safe Drinking Water Program in 2019. This sampling was conducted in accordance with Pennsylvania’s PFAS Action Team’s Actions and Recommendations included in their 2019 Initial Report. This data indicated that groundwater in the vicinity of High Tech Road is contaminated with per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) compounds.

The goals of the current HSCA investigation are to delineate the extent of contamination in order to identify any exposure pathways to residents or the environment in the area, to locate potential sources, and to determine possible mitigation or remediation measures.

For more information on PFAS compounds, please see the web links below. For more information about the HSCA program, visit DEP’s HSCA Annual Report Story Map(opens in a new tab) and the HSCA home page.

Please direct questions pertaining to the Benner Township PFAS HSCA investigation to the DEP Northcentral Region HSCA Manager at 570.327.3418 or or Community Relations Coordinator at 570.327.3659 or


Benner Township HSCA Investigation Information: