Site Background

In May 2014, Shell Chemical Appalachia LLC (Shell) submitted initial applications to DEP necessary to construct a petrochemicals complex in Potter Township, Beaver County. Shell has renamed the facility Shell Polymers Monaca Site. The facility includes several ethane cracking furnaces​ and polyethylene units that use ethane (a natural gas product) to produce polyethylene (a common type of plastic), and three gas powered electricity generating turbines. This first-of-its-kind facility in Pennsylvania required several complex environmental reviews, approvals, and permits from DEP for new construction, remediation of contamination from previous industrial activities on the property, and operation.

The facility has been constructed and began polyethy​lene production processes in fall 2022. Under Permitting/Approvals, the Title V Operating Permit section includes a recently submitted Title V Operating Permit Application that is currently under review.


DEP reviewed a plan approval application—that was later modified—for the construction and initial operation of the facility. DEP’s review is highly technical and complex, requiring reviews and modeling by engineers, meteorologists and other environmental professionals in DEP’s Southwest Regional Office and Harrisburg Central Office. After a thorough and complete review of the application and determination that the proposed activity can be done in a manner that complies with applicable rules and regulations—including the health-based National Ambient Air Quality Standards—DEP generates a proposed plan approval that includes specific conditions, including monitoring and reporting.

What’s New:

On September 16, 2024, DEP responded to Shell's June 22, 2024, letter requesting that flare vent gas composition data from inline gas chromatographs to be treated as confidential business information (CBI) under Section 13.2 of the Air Pollution Control Act.

On November 14, 2023, DEP responded to an inquiry by Shell about how to treat circumstances when the ethane cracking furnaces are heated only by pilots and there is no hydrocarbon feed (“Pilots Only Operation”).

On September 11, 2023, DEP requested a control plan to address violations. The August 28, 2023 inspection report and September 11, 2023 notice of violation (NOV) contain additional information. On September 19, 2023, Shell requested an extension to the due date for the control plan.

On April 17, 2023, DEP requested a control plan to address violations. The April 3, 2023 inspection report, April 3, 2023 notice of violation, and March 27, 2023 malfunction report below contain additional information. On April 26, 2023, Shell submitted the control plan requested by DEP.

On February 17, 2023, Environmental Integrity Project (EIP), Clean Air Council, and Eyes on Shell sent a letter to DEP with enforcement requests. On February 28, 2023, DEP responded to this letter.

On December 14, 2022, DEP requested additional information from Shell in the form of a “Emission Exceedance Report and Mitigation Plan” (EERMP) technical report. On January 30, 2023, Shell responded to DEP’s December 2022 request for additional information. DEP responded to Shell on March 17, 2023. Shell responded to DEP on March 31, 2023.

Emissions data, including 12-month rolling emissions totals for the Shell Petrochemical Complex.

Section B, Condition #012 of Air Quality Plan Approval 04-00470C requires Shell Chemical Appalachia LLC (Shell) to submit a Risk Management Plan (RMP) which meets the requirements of Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act, 40 CFR Part 68 and the Federal Chemical Safety Information, Site Security and Fuels Regulatory Relief Act when a regulated substance listed in 40 CFR §68.130 is present in a process in more than the listed threshold quantity at the facility. The RMP is required to be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

On August 31, 2022, Shell submitted a letter notifying DEP that it submitted the RMP to EPA on April 6, 2022. Information on the RMP Rule and accessing RMP information is available on EPA’s website.

Plan Approvals and Extensions:

On September 13, 2024, DEP received extension requests for air quality plan approvals 04-00740A, 04-00740B, and 04-00740C submitted by Shell.

On April 15, 2024, DEP approved the air quality plan approval extension requests for 180 days.

On March 7, 2024, DEP received extension requests for air quality plan approvals 04-00740A, 04-00740B, and 04-00740C submitted by Shell.

On October 3, 2023, DEP approved the air quality plan approval extension requests for 180 days.

On September 14, 2023, DEP received extension requests for air quality plan approvals 04-00740A, 04-00740B, and 04-00740C submitted by Shell.

On April 6, 2023, DEP approved the air quality plan approval extension requests for 180 days.

On March 14, 2023, DEP received extension requests for air quality plan approvals 04-00740A, 04-00740B, and 04-00740C submitted by Shell.

On September 15, 2022, DEP approved the air quality plan approval extension requests for 180 days.

On August 17, 2022, DEP received extension requests for air quality plan approvals 04-00740A, 04-00740B, and 04-00740C submitted by Shell.

On February 18, 2021, DEP approved plan approval modifications 04-00740B and 04-00740C.

On December 18, 2019, Shell submitted a plan approval modification application for 04-00740B. On February 14, 2020, Shell submitted a plan approval modification application for 04-00740C. Public notice of DEP’s draft plan approval was published in the October 3, 2020 edition of the Pennsylvania Bulletin. More info (begins on page 5503). In response to comments received to date, DEP accepted written comments on draft plan approvals 04-00740B and 04-00740C until Nov. 16, 2020.

A Title V Operating Permit is required for the continued operation of the facility and would include all applicable air quality requirements for the facility.

On February 22, 2024, DEP sent a letter to Shell notifying the operator of the regulatory deadline to submit a Title V Operating Permit application.

On June 19, 2024, DEP received Shell’s Title V Operating Permit application. DEP conducted an administrative review and determined the application to be administratively complete on July 2, 2024. 

On November 15, 2023, Shell submitted an application for General Plan Approval (GP-1) for the installation and subsequent temporary operation of three gas-boilers.

On December 1, 2023, DEP authorized use of the GP-1.

NPDES Permit PA0002208, issued in accordance with the federal Clean Water Act and Pennsylvania Clean Stream’s Law, establishes limits on what can be discharged, monitoring and reporting requirements, and other provisions to ensure that wastewater discharges from Shell’s facility do not pose a threat to public health or the environment.

What’s New:

On January 23, 2025, DEP responded to an request to modify Shell’s NPDES permit.

On October 14, 2023, Shell submitted its Impingement and Entrainment (I&E) sampling plan in accordance with its NPDES Permit. On January 10, 2024, DEP provided comments, and on February 8, 2024, Shell submitted a revised plan. On March 7, 2024 DEP approved the plan. On June 18, 2024, Shell submitted an update on the startup timeline for I&E characterizartion study sampling and analysis filed work. 

On February 24, 2021, DEP approved NPDES renewal permit PA0002208.

On September 5, 2019, Shell submitted a renewal application for NPDES permit PA0002208. Public notice of DEP’s draft permit renewal was published in the August 8, 2020 edition of the Pennsylvania Bulletin. More info (begins on page 4045).

On August 17, 2018, DEP issued the final NPDES permit PA0002208 Amendment 2 (A-2).

On June 23, 2017, DEP issued the final NPDES permit PA0002208 Amendment 1 (A-1). This followed a public comment period and public hearing on the draft permit PA0002208 A-1 published September 3, 2016.

This permit authorizes water discharged from the hydrostatic testing of tanks and pipelines.

This permit authorizes the construction of an obstruction or encroachment in a waterway or wetland.

As part of the construction of petrochemical complex, Shell remediated the contaminated former Horsehead Corporation zinc smelter property under the Pennsylvania’s Land Recycling (Act 2) program. Shell submitted and DEP has approved a remedial investigation report, risk assessment, cleanup plan, and final report under the Act 2 program. Pursuant to the Cleanup Plan, Shell has covered most of the site with clean fill and has installed a synthetic cap over previous disposal areas on the property to prevent contact with any contaminated soils. Shell has collected all potentially contaminated storm water during construction and treated it prior to discharge under its NPDES permit. Groundwater use at the site will be restricted under an environmental covenant following completion of Act 2.

DEP approved the final report demonstrating attainment of site-specific and statewide health standards for cleanup of historic contamination in soil and groundwater. Clean up standards were achieved through remediation of soils and groundwater with institutional and engineering controls including a groundwater use restriction and pathway elimination for direct contact of contaminated soils. A post remediation care plan and soil management plan were included and approved with the final report.  An environmental covenant is required for the site to ensure compliance with achieved remediation under the site-specific standard.​

For more information on the Act 2 process, visit DEP's Land Recycling Program page.

On November 17, 2023, Shell submitted a final report.

On February 6, 2024, DEP issued a technical deficiency letter.

As part of the construction of petrochemical complex, Shell is remediating the contaminated former Horsehead Corporation zinc smelter property under the Pennsylvania’s Land Recycling (Act 2) program. Shell has submitted and DEP has approved a remedial investigation report, risk assessment, and cleanup plan under the Act 2 program. Shell is currently completing groundwater attainment monitoring and then will submit a final report. Pursuant to the Cleanup Plan, Shell has covered most of the site with clean fill and has installed a synthetic cap over previous disposal areas on the property to prevent contact with any contaminated soils. Shell has collected all potentially contaminated storm water during construction and treated it prior to discharge under its NPDES permit. Groundwater use at the site will be restricted under an environmental covenant following completion of Act 2.

For more information on the Act 2 process, visit DEP's Land Recycling Program page.

On November 17, 2023, Shell submitted a final report.

On February 6, 2024, DEP issued a technical deficiency letter.

On March 28, 2024, Shell resubmitted a final report.

On June 21, 2024, DEP approved the Shell’s final report.


On May 24, 2023, DEP and Shell executed a consent order and agreement (COA) in which Shell formally acknowledged that the company exceeded tot​al emission limitations for air contaminants, agreed to make repairs to reduce future exceedances, and agreed to pay nearly $10 million ​to DEP and the local community. The COA resolves air quality violations during commissioning of Shell’s petrochemical facility in Potter and Center Townships, Beaver County.

Associated Documents and Reporting

The COA includes an agreement that Shell set aside $5 million to be used to fund or implement projects, which are determined in collaboration with the Department and with the participation of the Department’s Office of Environmental Justice, to benefit the environment, health and quality of life of the community near the Facility.

In accordance with Section 1, Paragraph 1(a.2) Act 57 of 2011, Potter Township may be eligible to receive a return of 25 percent of the Act 57-eligible portion of fines or civil penalties collected to be used for projects that eliminate or reduce air pollution or for parks, recreation projects, trails or open spaces.

On July 10, 2023, Shell submitted a letter verifying that it completed steam system modeling as required by the COA.

On July 21, 2023, Shell submitted a Steam Report. On February 7, 2024, Shell submitted a Steam Report Supplemental for installation of temporary boilers.

On August 20, 2023, Shell submitted a report (WWTP Report) of its engineering evaluation of the temporary controls installed at the wastewater treatment plant.

Shell submits reports documenting the condition of the Totally Enclosed Ground Flares (TEGFs).

On November 20, 2023, Shell submitted a Commissioning and Flare Report to DEP.

On February 7, 2022, DEP and Shell Chemical Appalachia LLC executed a consent assessment of civil penalty (CACP) to address malodor and fugitive emission violations

November 11, 2019, DEP and Shell Chemical Appalachia LLC executed a consent order and agreement (COA) to address violations related to the installation of and/or construction of gas insulated switchgear and gas insulated arresters without prior department approval.

Pursuant to its plan approval (PA-04-0040C Section C condition # 018), Shell is required to submit malfunction reports. The date of the malfunction incident is listed with subsequent report submissions below.

Inspections of facilities associated with Shell’s authorization to discharge under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) from its industrial wastewater facilities can be found under “wastewater facility inspections” on the DEP webpage linked below​.