
Control Techniques Guidelines (CTGs) are documents issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to provide States with the EPA's recommendation on how to control the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from a specific type of product or source category in an ozone nonattainment area. The Clean Air Act (CAA) provides that the EPA may issue CTGs in place of National regulations when the EPA determines that a CTG will be substantially as effective as a regulation in reducing VOC emissions from the product or source category in ozone nonattainment areas. The chart below is a list of CTGs that the EPA has issued from 1994 through 2008. The information provided under the category "Group II CTGs issued 9/29/06" for the flexible package printing and lithographic and letterpress printing CTGs also includes certain documents, identified with an asterisk "*", that were used as background material in the development of these CTGs.

A State with ozone nonattainment areas is required to evaluate the recommendations provided in the CTGs and determine if it must modify existing regulations or create new regulations to be consistent with the requirements of the CTG. A State that is included in the Ozone Transport Region (OTR), like Pennsylvania, must apply the requirements statewide for all sources covered by the CTG. After a State promulgates a regulation implementing the requirements of the CTG for a product or source category, the State must submit the regulation to the EPA for approval as part of the State's implementation plan.


Section 183(e) of the Clean Air Act (CAA) directs the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to list for regulation those categories of products that account for at least 80% of the volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from consumer and commercial products in ozone nonattainment areas. 42 U.S.C.A. 7511b(e). Section 183(e)(3)(A) of the CAA directs the EPA to divide the list of categories into 4 groups, establishing priority for regulation based on certain criteria. 42 U.S.C. 7511b(e)(3)(A).

Section 183(e)(3)(C) of the CAA further provides that the EPA may issue a Control Techniques Guidelines (CTG) document in place of a National regulation for a product category where the EPA determines that the CTG will be "substantially effective as regulations" in reducing emissions of VOC in ozone nonattainment areas. 42 U.S.C.A. 7511b(e)(3)(C). The CTG provides states with the EPA's recommendation of what constitutes reasonably available control technology (RACT) for the covered category.

Section 172(c)(1) of the CAA provides that State Implementation Plans (SIP) for nonattainment areas must include reasonably available control measures, including RACT, for sources of emissions. 42 U.S.C.A. 7502(c)(1). Section 182(b)(2)(A) of the CAA provides that for moderate ozone nonattainment areas, a state must revise its SIP to include RACT for each category of VOC products or sources covered by a CTG document issued between November 15, 1990, and the date of attainment. 42 U.S.C.A. 7511a(b)(2)(A). Section 184(b)(1)(B) requires statewide implementation in Pennsylvania of RACT for all sources covered by a CTG by virtue of Pennsylvania's inclusion in the Ozone Transport Region (OTR). 42 U.S.C.A. 7511c(b)(1)(B).

Each CTG includes a "presumptive norm'' or "presumptive RACT'' that the EPA believes satisfies the definition of RACT. If a state submits a RACT rule that is consistent with the presumptive RACT, the state does not need to submit additional support to demonstrate that the rule meets the CAA's RACT requirement. However, if the state determines to submit an alternative emission limit or level of control for a source or source category for which there is a presumptive RACT, the state must submit independent documentation as to why the rule meets the statutory RACT requirement. (62 FR 44674, August 22, 1997)

Consumer and Commercial Products: Schedule for Regulation 
(60 FR 15264, March 23, 1995 (PDF) – original notice listing the categories for regulation) 
(71 FR 28320, May 16, 2006 (PDF))

1994-1997 CTGs

CTG document or National Rule

Federal Register Notice – proposed

Federal Register Notice - final

Group I

Consumer products 
(40 CFR 59.201-59.214)

40 CFR 59 Subpart C


Architectural coatings  
(40 CFR 59.400-59.413)

40 CFR 59 Subpart D


Autobody refinishing coatings 
(40 CFR 59.100-59.111)

40 CFR 59 Subpart B


Shipbuilding and repair coatings

EPA-453/R-94-032 1994/04 (PDF); 
See also 
61 FR 44050 
August 27, 1996

62 FR 44672 
August 22, 1997

64 FR 37773 July 13, 1999; 
See also 
64 FR 37783 July 13, 1999 (PDF) – notice of re-issuance

Wood furniture coatings

EPA-453/R-96-007 1996/04 (PDF)

Aerospace coatings

EPA-453/R-97-004 1997/12 (PDF)


2006 – 2008 CTGs

The EPA determined that for the following 13 VOC product categories in Groups II-IV, issuing CTGs would be as effective as National rules.  The CTG documents were issued in 3 groups: 4 in 2006, 3 in 2007, and 4 in 2008 (one 2006 and one 2008 CTG document includes two categories).

CTG document or National Rule

Federal Register Notice – proposed

Federal Register Notice - final

Group II CTGs Issued 9/29/06

Flat Wood Paneling Coatings

EPA-453/R-06-004 (PDF)

71 FR 44522 August 4, 2006 (PDF)

71 FR 58745 October 5, 2006 (PDF)

Industrial Cleaning Solvents

EPA-453/R-06-001 (PDF)

*Flexible Package Printing

EPA-450/2-78-033 (PDF)
EPA-453/R-95-002a (PDF) 
EPA-453/R-06-003 (PDF)

*Lithographic and Letterpress Printing (2 categories)

EPA-453/D-95-001 (PDF)
EPA-453/R-06-002 (PDF)





Group III CTGs Issued 9/28/07

Large Appliance Surface Coating

EPA 453/R-07-004 (PDF)

72 FR 37582 July 10, 2007 (PDF)

72 FR 57215 October 9, 2007 (PDF)

Metal Furniture Coatings

EPA 453/R-07-005 (PDF)

Paper Film and Foil Coatings

EPA 453/R-07-003 (PDF)





Group IV CTGs Issued 9/30/08

Miscellaneous Metal and Plastic Parts Coatings (2 categories)

EPA 453/R-08-003 (PDF)

73 FR 40230 July 14, 2008 (PDF)

73 FR 58481 October 7, 2008 (PDF)

Auto and Light-duty Truck Assembly Coatings

EPA 453/R-08-006 (PDF)
EPA 453/R-08-002 - Protocol (PDF)

Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing

EPA 453/R-08-004 (PDF)

Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives

EPA 453/R-08-005 (PDF)