For further information on any of these plans, please call (717) 787-9495.

Regulatory SIP Revisions

Final "Industrial Cleaning Solvents" Rule
The Department published its final Industrial Cleaning Solvents rule in the Pennsylvania Bulletin (48 Pa.B. 4814, August 11, 2018) 25 Pa. Code Section 129.63a (relating to control of VOC emissions from industrial cleaning solvents) effective August 11, 2018. It was submitted to EPA as a requested SIP revision on August 13, 2018.

Incorporation Of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 122 (Relating To National Standards Of Performance For New Stationary Sources) into the Commonwealth's State Implementation Plan
The Department has submitted its existing rulemaking in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 122 (relating to national standards of performance for new stationary sources) (NSPS) to EPA as a revision to its state implementation plan. The SIP revision includes its existing NSPS regulation and the previously published Pennsylvania Bulletin notices associated with the existing rulemaking. See "CTG RACT Certification SIP for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS" in the non-Regulatory SIP section of "Reducing Ozone Pollution".

Gasoline Volatility Requirements

This revision concerns an amendment to 25 Pa. Code Chapter 126 (relating to motor vehicle and fuels programs) by the Commonwealth's Environmental Quality Board (Board). The Board amended Chapter 126, Subchapter C (relating to gasoline volatility requirements) by adding § 126.301(d) (relating to compliant fuel requirement) to make Subchapter C no longer effective upon the effective date of approval by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of the removal, suspension, or replacement of Subchapter C as a Federally enforceable control measure in the Commonwealth's SIP. This revision was submitted to the EPA on May 1, 2018.

Title V Annual Emission Fee

A revision to Pennsylvania's State Implementation Plan set forth at 40 CFR 52.2020 and to the Title V Program Approval codified in 40 CFR Part 70, Appendix A concerning amendments to 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127 has been submitted to the Regional Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region III for approval. The revision implements an increased Title V annual emission fee in § 127.705 of $85 per ton of "regulated pollutant" for up to 4,000 tons of emissions of each regulated pollutant beginning with emissions occurring in calendar year 2013 and payable by Sept. 1, 2014.

Proposed SIP Revision: Portable Fuel Container Repeal:

The comment period is now closed for this proposed SIP revision. Raw data files are available upon request. Since no one expressed an interest in testifying at the public hearing for this SIP by Jan. 9, 2014, the hearing has been cancelled.

Non-Regulatory SIP Revisions

State Implementation Plan Revision: Regional Haze - Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART)

Revision to the State Implementation Plan: Regional Haze Five-Year Progress Report

Changes to the Regional Haze SIP Revision - BART Limits for the Cheswick Power Plant, Allegheny County

Revision to Pennsylvania's State Implementation Plan for Regional Haze

The Regional Haze Rule (40 CFR 51.308) requires States to establish goals and strategies for improving visibility in all of the country's 156 Class I national parks and wilderness areas.

  • Summary (PDF)
  • Transmittal Letter (PDF)
  • Final Regional Haze SIP Revision (PDF 2.5MB)
  • Appendices
    • Appendix A (PDF) – MANE-VU Interim Report (May 2006)
    • Appendix B (PDF 3.4MB) – Contribution Assessment for MANE-VU (NESCAUM, August 2006)
    • Appendix C (PDF 1.4MB) – VISTAS, Shenandoah Group Contribution Assessment (May 2007)
    • Appendix D (PDF) – WV and VA Emails; Agendas for FLM Conference Calls; FLM MOU
    • Appendix E (PDF) – Baseline and Natural Background Visibility Conditions: Considerations and Proposed Approach to the Calculation of Baseline and Natural Background Visibility Conditions at MANE-VU Class I Areas (December 2006)
    • Appendix F – 2002 Baseline Emissions Inventory (Excel Available from
    • Appendix H – 2018 Projected Emissions Inventory (Excel Available from
    • Appendix I – MANE-VU CALPUFF Modeling Results for Pennsylvania BART Sources (Excel Available from
    • Appendix J (PDF) – Pennsylvania's BART Analysis Review Memos
    • Appendix K (PDF) – VISTAS PowerPoint Presentation of 2018 Visibility Improvement Projections, March 2008
    • Appendix L (PDF) – 2018 Visibility Projections Report (NESCAUM, May 2008)
    • Appendix M (PDF 2MB) – MANE-VU 'Ask' Statement Within MANE-VU (June 20, 2007)
      MANE-VU 'Ask' Statement Outside of MANE-VU (June 20, 2007)
    • Appendix N (PDF) – CAIR Plus Report (ICF, May 2007)
    • Appendix O (PDF 8.1MB) – Reasonable Progress Report (MACTEC, July 2007)
    • Appendix P (PDF) – Five-Factor Analysis of BART-Eligible Sources (NESCAUM, June 2007)
    • Appendix Q (PDF) – Assessment of Control Technology Options for BART-Eligible Sources (NESCAUM, March 2005)
    • Appendix R (PDF 2MB) – Nature of the Fine Particle and Regional Haze Air Quality Problems in the MANE-VU Region (NESCAUM, November 2006)
    • Appendix S (PDF 2.6MB) – MANE-VU Modeling for Reasonable Progress Goals: Model Performance Evaluation (NESCAUM, February 2008)
    • Appendix T (PDF) – MANE-VU Construction Activities TSD (September 2006)
    • Appendix U (PDF) – MANE-VU Smoke Management TSD (September 2006)
    • Appendix V (PDF) – Development of Emissions Projections for 2009, 2012, and 2018 For Non-EGU Point, Area and Non-road Sources in MANE-VU Region (MACTEC, February 2007)
    • Appendix W (PDF) – Documentation of 2018 Emissions from EGUs (Alpine Geophysics, August 2009)
    • Appendix X (PDF) – MANE-VU FLM Consultation Framework (May 2006)
    • Appendix Y (PDF) – Summary Detail of MANE-VU Ask Statement Development
    • Appendix Z – Reserved for Comment and Response Document
    • Appendix AA (PDF) – FLM Comments/Department Responses
    • Appendix BB (PDF) – Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) Enforcement Order and cover letter, BART review memo for Eastman Chemical Resins
    • Appendix CC (PDF) – VISTAS Comments on MANE-VU Best and Final Modeling (Letter to Anna Garcia dated April 25, 2008)
    • Appendix DD (PDF 8.6MB) – ConocoPhillips Consent Decree, Civil Action H-05-0258
    • Appendix EE (PDF 2.7MB) – Sunoco Consent Decree, Civil Action 05-CV-02866

"Infrastructure" SIPs address the elements required by Section 110(a)(2) of the Clean Air Act for the implementation, maintenance and enforcement of each National Ambient Air Quality Standard.

"Infrastructure" State Implementation Plan Revision Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I) Applicable Requirements for the 2012 Annual Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standard

"Infrastructure" State Implementation Plan Revision Package for Multiple National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), May 2014

"Infrastructure" State Implementation Plan Revision for the 2008 Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standard

Revisions to Pennsylvania State Implementation Plan (SIP) under Section 110(a)(2) for 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Standard and the 1997 Ozone Standard

Particulate matter (PM) is the general term used for a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. Fine particles are those that are less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter (PM2.5). Fine particles may be emitted directly by a source or formed in the atmosphere.

The federal government set a National Ambient Air Quality Standard for PM2.5 to protect public health in 1997 and revised the standard in 2006 and 2012. For areas that do not meet the standard, the state must submit a State Implementation Plan (SIP) to the EPA that outlines the measures that will be taken to attain the health-based PM2.5 standard. States may also submit maintenance plans to the EPA that detail how the state will assure the standard will continue to be met for the next 10 years.

PM2.5 Maintenance Plans (SIP Revisions) and Redesignation Requests for the 2012 Annual PM2.5 Standard

PM2.5 Base Year Inventories (SIP Revision) for the 2012 Annual PM2.5 NAAQS

PM2.5 Maintenance Plans (SIP Revisions) and Redesignation Requests for the 1997 and/or the 2006 PM2.5 Standards

Proposed Revisions to the Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets in the State Implementation Plan for the Philadelphia PM2.5 Nonattainment Area

The department had sought comment on revisions that update the motor vehicle emissions budgets contained in the "State Implementation Plan: Pennsylvania Portion of the Philadelphia-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Nonattainment Area." The comment period ended December 17, 2012.

PM2.5 Modeling Protocols

SIP Revision for the annual PM2.5 Standard: Philadelphia Area

SIP Revision for the Annual PM2.5 Standard: Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley Area This revision has been withdrawn, except for the 2002 base year inventory.

Ground-level ozone pollution occurs when hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides bake in the sun. These gases come from unburned fuel and solvents, car exhaust, factory stack emissions, and homeowners' and individuals' activities. The federal government set a National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone to protect public health. For areas that do not meet the standard, the state must submit a State Implementation Plan (SIP) to the EPA that outlines the measures that will be taken to attain the health-based ozone standard. States may also submit maintenance plans to the EPA that detail how the state will assure the standard will continue to be met for the next 10 years.

CTG RACT Certification SIP for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS

This revision to the Commonwealth's SIP pertains to meeting the reasonably available control technology (RACT) requirements for sources of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions under Sections 172(c)(l), 182(b)(2) and 184(b)(l)(B) of the CAA (42 U.S.C.A. §§ 7502(c)(l), 7511a(b)(2), and 7511c (b)(l)(B)) and the implementing regulations for the 2008 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) (80 FR 12264; March 6, 2015).

PA SIP Certification that the Existing Emission Statement Program and the Nonattainment NNSR Program Meet the Requirements for the Implementation of the 2008 Ozone NAAQS

Proposed State Implementation Plan Revision: 2011 Base Year Emissions Inventory for the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, Lancaster, Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City (Pennsylvania Portion), Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley, and Reading Nonattainment Areas for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards

The comment period for this item is now closed. Since no person(s) expressed an interest, the hearings scheduled for September 21st, 2015, have been cancelled.

Proposed SIP Revision: Motor Vehicle Emission Budget Revisions for the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton (ABE) Ozone Maintenance Area

The comment period is now open for this proposed SIP revision. As of noon, January 21, 2014, no member of the public requested a public hearing for this proposed SIP revision. As a result, the public hearing is canceled.

Proposed SIP Revision to Update Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets for the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Ozone Nonattainment Area

  • PA Bulletin
  • Volume I (PDF): NOx Motor Vehicle Emission Budget Revisions Based on the MOVES2010a Model; and General Conformity Budget for Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant
  • Volume II (PDF): Technical Support Document
  • Appendices
    • Appendix C (PDF): Maintenance Plan Update for the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre 1997 Eight-Hour Maintenance Area: Motor Vehicle Emission Budget Revisions Using MOVES2010a
    • Appendix C-1 (PDF): Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Area; An Explanation of Methodology
    • Appendix C-2 (XLSX): Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Area Emission Summary Tables
    • Appendix C-3 (PDF): Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Area MOVES Sample Input Files

Final SIP Revision to Update Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets for the Reading Ozone Nonattainment Area

Final SIP Revision to Update Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets for the Lancaster Ozone Nonattainment Area

Proposed Revision to Arcelor Mittal RACT Emission Limits

SIP Revision for Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) for the 8-hour Ozone Standard

SIP Revision for the 1997 Ozone Standard: Philadelphia Area, Revised Appendix

Philadelphia Area Attainment Plan This revision has been withdrawn, except for the 2009 motor vehicle emission budgets (MVEBs).

SIP Revision for the 1997 Ozone Standard: Philadelphia Area, Correction of Errors in the 2002 Base-Year Inventory

SIP Revision for the 1997 Ozone Standard: Philadelphia Area, Correction of Base Year Inventory and Reasonable Further Progress Demonstration

Redesignation Requests, Maintenance Plans and 2002 Base Year Inventories

Once an area has attained a National Ambient Air Quality Standard, a state may request that EPA redesignate the area to attainment. In order to qualify for redesignation, a state must submit a maintenance plan, demonstrating that the area can continue to attain the standard for at least ten years after redesignation to attainment. Appendices to all documents are available upon request by contacting the Division of Air Resource Management at 717-787-9495. PA Bulletin Notice

Carbon monoxide is a byproduct of the incomplete burning of fuels. Industrial processes contribute to carbon monoxide pollution levels, but the principal source of carbon monoxide in most large urban areas is vehicle emissions. Peak carbon monoxide concentrations typically occur during the colder months of the year when automotive emissions are greater and nighttime inversion conditions are more frequent. The EPA has established a National Ambient Air Quality Standard for CO to protect public health.

Sulfur dioxide is a gaseous pollutant that is emitted primarily by industrial furnaces or power plants burning coal or oil containing sulfur. The major health effects associated with high exposures to sulfur dioxide include effects on breathing and respiratory illness symptoms. The environmental effects include plant damage, visibility impairment, acid rain and damage to structures. The EPA has established a National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for SO2 to protect public health.

Attainment Demonstration for the Indiana Nonattainment Area for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS

Attainment Demonstration for the Beaver Nonattainment Area for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS

Attainment Demonstration for the Warren Nonattainment Area for the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standard

Final Warren County SIP Revision - Conewango Township, Pleasant Township, Glade Township, and City of Warren, Warren County SO2 Maintenance Plan and Redesignation Request (5/04)

Lead that is emitted into the air can be inhaled or, after it settles out of the air, can be ingested. Once in the body, lead is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and results in a broad range of health effects, especially affecting children. Lead concentrations in ambient air above the Federal National Ambient Air Quality Standard pose a serious human health threat.

Final SIP Revision for North Reading Area

Final SIP Revision for Lyons Area

Final SIP Revision for Lower Beaver Valley

Proposed Revision to State Implementation Plan for Reasonably Available Control Technology Delaware County Regional Water Quality Control Authority

Vehicles emit a number of harmful air pollutants that have the potential to adversely affect people's respiratory systems. These chemicals and particles are particularly dangerous for children, the elderly and those with existing respiratory problems such as asthma. As people increasingly depend on their cars and drive more and more miles, it is important that the vehicles' exhaust systems become cleaner. The following plans aim to reduce air pollution resulting from automobiles and other vehicles to help Pennsylvania attain the health-based ozone standard.

Final SIP Revision Incorporating the Amended Pennsylvania Clean Vehicles Program.

Final SIP Revision for Vehicle Emissions Inspection/Maintenance Program; Program Changes for 42 Counties (3/09).

Transportation Conformity SIP Revision. Submitted to EPA May 29, 2008/Approved by EPA April 29, effective June 29, 2009.

Final SIP Revision Vehicle Emissions Inspection/Maintenance Program; Program Changes for Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Regions (1/04). Approved by the EPA October 6, 2005.

  • Final SIP Revision (PDF)
  • Technical Appendices available upon request. Please call (717)787-9495.

Final SIP Revisions for the Enhanced Vehicle Emissions Inspection/Maintenance Program (11/03). Approved by the EPA October 6, 2005.

  • Final SIP Revisions (PDF)
  • Technical Appendices are available upon request. Please call (717)787-9495.

The Allegheny County Health Department maintains information on SIP revisions it has developed. See their page at: Air Quality Regulations

The Allegheny County Board of Health is seeking comments on several changes to its regulations, some of which will then be submitted to EPA as a revision to the State Implementation Plan. The county will accept comments through Jan. 9, 2013. Information on the public comment period is available under "Hot Topics". The proposed SIP revision is available under "Currently Proposed SIP Revisions".

Final SIP Revision to incorporate New Source Review regulations. Submitted to the EPA June 25, 2012

Final SIP Revision to incorporate consumer products regulations. Submitted to the EPA June 25, 2012

Final SIP Revision to incorporate regulations controlling NOX from glass melting furnaces. Submitted to the EPA June 25, 2012

The Philadelphia County Dept. of Health, Air Management Services Division maintains information on SIP revisions it is developing at this page, under "Public Meetings & Notices". Below are prior submittals they have provided us.

SIP Revision for RACT for Philadelphia County Under the 8-Hour Ozone Standard.

Final Revision to the Pennsylvania State Implementation Plan for Maintaining the Carbon Monoxide National Ambient Air Quality Standard for the Years 2007-2017 in Philadelphia County (9/3/04) (PDF)