Multi Site Remediation Agreements

Federal Facilities Restoration

Department of Defense and State Memorandum of Agreement (DSMOA) Program

The DSMOA program was established pursuant to Section 211(B) of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) enacted on Oct. 17, 1986. SARA authorizes the federal government to obtain the assistance of state and local governments in executing environmental cleanups of Department of Defense (DoD) installations and Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS).

The goals of the DSMOA program are to expedite environmental restoration at DoD installations and help ensure compliance with applicable state laws through financial assistance for technical services provided by DEP. This relationship is to be fostered through improved communication, coordination and cooperation between the DEP and DoD components in order to facilitate progress on projects to protect human health and the environment.

After signing a DSMOA with DoD, DEP must apply for Cooperative Agreements in order to obtain financial assistance for its activities in support of federal cleanups at specific DoD installations (as outlined by the DSMOA).