Thank you for your interest in the Pennsylvania water and wastewater operator training program. The Training Provider Manual for the Pennsylvania Water and Wastewater Operator Training Program (PDF) describes our training approval process for the water and wastewater operator program.

The entire training application process is accessed through a web-based system.

You need only apply once to request approval to be a Pennsylvania sponsor of water and wastewater training, but you will need to submit one course application for each course that you are seeking approval.

The process consists of the following activities. First, we approve the training provider as a sponsor of water and wastewater training in Pennsylvania. Then we review and approve individual training courses conducted by the sponsor.

Course review consists of an administrative completeness review and a technical review. We conduct a review of the technical content to ensure conformance with our training course guidelines, acceptance criteria and adult education concepts, and to award appropriate training contact hours.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 717-787-0122, or by email at