There are eight CDFR positions in DEP throughout the state.  They are housed in the DEP Regional Offices and report to the Conservation District Support Section in Central Office. There are two CDFRs in the NE and SC Regions and one each in NW, NC, SW and SE Regions.

  • First point of contact between the CD/DEP/SCC
  • Provide training for new Directors, Managers and Staff
  • Have at least a baseline knowledge of all CD programs
  • Liaison between CD & Programs, Regions & CO
  • Coordinate Roundtable Meetings & other trainings from the ROs
  • Liaison between CD and County Commissioners/Chief Clerks
  • Assist with director nominating process
  • Assist CDs know who to contact for what at DEP and the SCC
  • In Bay Regions, review of Bay Tech Contracts and Quarterlies
  • Attend CD Board Meetings
  • Provide DEP/SCC Talking Points at meeting
  • Provide guidance on Sunshine Act, Right to Know and Pennsylvania Ethics Act
  • Provide guidance on policy


Conservation District Field Representatives Map Conservation District Field Representatives Map


1. Susannah Harris
DEP Meadville Regional Office 230 Chestnut St.
Meadville, PA 16335
Phone: 814-332-6133
5. Ryan Furrer
DEP Southwest Regional Office 400 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
Phone: 412-442-4097
2. Vacant – Contact Jaci Kerstetter DEP Williamsport Regional Office 208 W. Third St., Suite 101
Williamsport, PA 17701
Phone: 570-327-3571 / FAX: 570-327-
6. Tyler Trostle
DEP South Central Regional Office 909 Elmerton Ave
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: 717-705-4784
3. Caitlin Skibiel
DEP Wilkes-Barre Regional Office 2 Public Square
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790
Phone: 570-826-2436
​7. Lauren Shaffer
DEP South Central Regional Office 909 Elmerton Ave
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: 717-705-4781
4. Janet Creegan
DEP Wilkes-Barre Regional Office 2 Public Square
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790
Phone: 570-826-2351
8. Vacant - contact Linda Mackey
DEP Norristown Regional Office 2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Phone: 484-250-5148