The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) and the Department of Environmental Protection (Department / DEP) have prepared the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2024 Intended Use Plans (IUP). These IUPs include a list of drinking water and wastewater collection and treatment system projects as well as nonpoint source and pollution abatement projects to be considered for a design and engineering or construction loan or grant from funds the Commonwealth expects to receive from Federal FY 2024 appropriations through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These grants will be managed through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) and Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) programs beginning with the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 24-25:
- SFY24-25 CWSRF Capitalization Grant – Base
- SFY24-25 DWSRF Capitalization Grant - Base
- SFY24-25 CWSRF Capitalization Grant – General Supplemental
- SFY24-25 DWSRF Capitalization Grant – General Supplemental
- SFY24-25 CWSRF Emerging Contaminants Grant
- SFY24-25 DWSRF Emerging Contaminants Grant
- SFY24-25 DWSRF Lead Service Line Replacement Grant
One of the federal requirements for all the identified grant applications is the development of an IUP as part of the EPA grant application. This plan describes how Pennsylvania intends to use the grant funding for that federal fiscal year. These plans are drafted and released for public comment on an annual basis. When discussing the sources (funds) and uses (projects) it is important to keep in mind that this is a work plan. Eligible projects have been identified to demonstrate Pennsylvania’s ability to spend all the source funds as a requirement for grant award. However, a project does not have to be listed on a draft IUP in order to be considered for funding. Eligible projects may be considered for funding with SRF funds once an application is submitted. The project priority list is updated for every PENNVEST Board meeting to ensure that eligible projects can receive funding offers. PENNVEST reviews and approves project funding on a quarterly basis.
PENNVEST and DEP manage the CWSRF and DWSRF Programs in Pennsylvania. These programs, combined with other sources of federal and state money, fund the eligible costs associated with the acquisition, construction, improvement, expansion, extension, repair, rehabilitation or security measures of all or part of any facility or system, whether publicly or privately owned:
- For the collection, treatment, or disposal of wastewater, including industrial waste such as the treatment of emerging contaminants.
- For the supply, treatment, storage, or distribution of drinking water including projects to remove and replace lead service lines and identify and treat emerging contaminants; and
- For the control of pollution associated with stormwater runoff or any other innovative stormwater management technique developed to comply with the Clean Streams Law or identified in a county-prepared watershed plan or as identified in the Pennsylvania's Nonpoint Source Management Program Update as required under section 319(b) of the Clean Water Act.
The Department solicited comments from the public regarding the Federal FY 2024 SRF IUPs for 30-days, beginning on May 18, 2024. Interested persons were invited to express their views on the narrative portion of the IUPs, the DWSRF set-aside work plan, the priority rating and ranking of projects on the IUPs, and the project applications - sources and uses information. The comments and responses to those comments can be found below.
Comment and Response Document
2024 IUPs - Comment and Response Document (PDF)
The DWSRF IUP with attachments and CWSRF IUP with attachments are provided below.
DWSRF IUP with attachments
- 2024 Final Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund Intended Use Plan (PDF)
- Attachment 1: Draft Ranking Framework for PENNVEST Drinking Water Projects (PDF)
- Attachment 2: Capability Enhancement TMF Assessment Documentation (PDF)
- Attachment 3: Draft Work Plan for Use of Set-aside Funds (PDF)
- Attachment 4: Final Project Priority List (PDF)
- Attachment 5: State Environmental Review Process (SERP) DWSRF (PDF)
- Attachment 6: Guidelines for the Uniform Environmental Review Process in Pennsylvania (PDF)
- Attachment 7: Environmental Assessment Template (PDF)
- Attachment 8: Categorical Exclusion Template (PDF)
- Attachment 9: Draft Project Application, Sources and Uses Charts (PDF)
CWSRF IUP with attachments
- 2024 Final Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund Intended Use Plan (PDF)
- Attachment 1: Final Project Priority List for Wastewater Projects (PDF)
- Attachment 2: Final Project Priority List for Nonpoint Source Projects (PDF)
- Attachment 3: Wastewater Project Ranking Criteria (PDF)
- Attachment 4: Nonpoint Source Project Ranking Criteria (PDF)
- Attachment 5: Stormwater Project Ranking Criteria (PDF)
- Attachment 6: Policy Statement – Definition of Treatment Works (PDF)
- Attachment 7: Architectural & Engineering (A&E) Procurement Requirements Help Guide (PDF)
- Attachment 8: Final CWSRF Sources and Uses (PDF)
- Attachment 9: State Environmental Review Process (SERP) CWSRF (PDF)
- Attachment 10: Guidelines for the Uniform Environmental Review Process in Pennsylvania (PDF)
- Attachment 11: Environmental Assessment Template (PDF)
- Attachment 12: Categorical Exclusion Template (PDF)
- Attachment 13: PENNVEST Sublevel Revolving Loan Program (SLRLP) (PDF)
Contact Us
Dharmendra Kumar, P.E.
Municipal Finance Section
Division of Municipal Facilities
P.O. Box 8774
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8774
Phone: 717-772-3377
Andrew S. Gaul, P.E.
PENNVEST Project Management Section
Division of Municipal Facilities
P.O. Box 8774
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8774
Phone: 717-783-5638