Minimum Control Measure (MCM) #3 of the MS4 permit deals with Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDD&E). There are six Best Management Practices (BMPs) within MCM #3. The following is a selection of resources for those seeking more information on MS4 permit requirements related to MCM #3.



  • Model Map (PDF) - An example map developed by DEP that illustrates the detail necessary to meet the basic requirements of MCM #3 as well as the advanced requirements for Pollutant Reduction Plans, TMDL Plans and Pollutant Control Measures for the forthcoming NPDES permit term. DEP has posted instructions (PDF) on how to use the Model Map.


Additional Resources

Links to resources outside of DEP's website do not necessarily constitute an endorsement.

  • IDD&E Manual (PDF) – EPA guidance manual for illicit discharge program development and technical assessments
  • Safe Waters, Healthy Waters Guide (PDF) - A Center for Watershed Protection guide for citizen groups on bacteria monitoring in local waterways.
  • Solutions to Stormwater Pollution (PDF) - This brochure from the NJ DEP describes simple things citizens can do to reduce stormwater pollution.