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Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Preventing Delinquency

PCCD has been a long-term investor in programs that demonstrate evidence of meeting challenging objectives. 

Using Prevention That Works 

Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development (“Blueprints”) is a major approach supported by PCCD for assessing which programs are likely to succeed. Blueprints are evidence-based and model programs with demonstrated success. PCCD has invested millions to support evidence-based Blueprint and Model Programs in Pennsylvania, with impressive results and solid returns on investment.

Supported programs address a wide range of risk-related factors, from family conflict to bullying, and from life skills to aggression replacement. PCCD partners include government agencies involved in child welfare and mental health, judges, probation officers, educators, and health professionals. 

PA Blueprint Model Programs

This organization’s Blueprints program, which matches mentors with at-risk youth, has decreased anti-social behavior 30 percent in the youth they serve, with 33 percent of participants less likely than those in a control group to hit someone.

The CTC model has been demonstrated to reduce risky and delinquent behaviors. A longitudinal study of communities found that CTC youth had stronger bonds to their schools, families, and communities, and were less influenced by antisocial peers. In addition, communities reported nearly 11 percent less delinquency over a five-year period and more than 33 percent better academic achievement.

A group-training program for parents and children ages 3-12 that focuses on emotional problems and parental coaching. This Blueprints Program has reduced anti-social behavior in youth by an estimated 54 percent.

The LST program has resulted in a 50-70 percent reduction in use of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use within the study group of middle school-aged children.

A drug prevention program for high school youth, Project TND has realized a 74 percent increase in awareness in its groups about the consequences of substance abuse and a 22 percent reduction in marijuana use.

The objective of this program is to raise emotional and social skills in order to lower aggression in elementary school children (ages 4-11), while expanding learning. The outcome: Sixty percent of children show increased emotional competence, 48 percent show decreased anti-social behavior, and 57 percent show improved concentration and attention.

Balancing limits with caring, SFP’s initiative for youth ages 10-14 has seen a 56 percent improvement in resisting peer pressure by group members.