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Reducing Gun Violence

Gun Violence Technical Assistance

Stakeholder and community engagement are central to PCCD's efforts to respond to gun violence in the Commonwealth. 

VIP Technical Assistance & Stakeholder Engagement

As part of its investments in gun violence prevention and intervention strategies, PCCD has also supported new technical assistance, training, and capacity-building efforts. In 2022, PCCD's School Safety and Security Committee approved a new statewide Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) Technical Assistance Project, which is coordinated through a cooperative agreement grant with WestEd's Justice & Prevention Research Center in collaboration with Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC). 

PA Peace Alliance & Statewide Community of Practice

In March 2023, PCCD and WestEd launched a new online resource, PAPeaceAlliance.org. The website and corresponding statewide community of practice is a first-of-its-kind initiative launched as part of PCCD's VIP Grants Program and provides free, comprehensive training and technical assistance resources for groups working to address violence and promote peace in their communities. These resources were co-developed with grantees and other stakeholders working to address violence in their communities. 

Community-based organizations are invited to check out available trainings, resources, and request technical assistance at PAPeaceAlliance.org.

Need Training or TA?

Contact PA Peace Alliance

PA Peace Alliance provides free, comprehensive training and technical assistance resources for groups working to address violence and promote peace in their communities