Building Opportunity through Out of School Time (BOOST) Grant Program
Approximately $11.5 million in state funding was available in FY 2024-25 BOOST Funding to support a range of eligible prevention-focused program activities and out-of-school time (OST) models for statewide or local projects for at-risk school-age populations in un-derrepresented or underserved communities. Funding is aimed at reducing community violence by providing after-school learning opportunities for youth.
Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) Grant Program
$45 million in state funding was available in FY 2024-25 under the VIP Grant Program (VIP and CCVI solicitations) to provide technical assistance to address community violence throughout the Commonwealth. VIP funding supports a wide range of programs and intervention strategies that address community violence.
Coordinated Community Violence Intervention (CCVI) Strategies Projects
CCVI grants support local planning and implementation of short-term intervention, mid-term prevention, and long-term transformation strategies designed to increase local coordination to more effectively prevent, intervene, and respond to gun and group-related violence.
VIP & Gun Violence Grants Map
Learn more past and current VIP and Gun Violence Reduction Grants by visiting the interactive Gun Violence and VIP Grantees data dashboard.
2024-25 BOOST Grants Program
2024-25 CCVI Grant Program
2024-25 VIP Grant Program
2023-24 VIP and CCVI Grants Program
2022-23 VIP and CCVI Grant program
On June 13, 2023, the Commission voted to approve the 2022-2023 State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP) Funding Plan, which was submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) for review and approval. On August 28, 2023, BJA approved Pennsylvania's FY 2022-23 Byrne SCIP Funding Plan. Learn more about PCCD SCIP Plan and Funding Opportunities.
PCCD's VIP Training & Technical Assistance initiative - PA Peace Alliance - launched in 2022 and provides no-cost resources to community-based groups working to address violence in their communities. Interested in learning more? Contact the VIP TTA team at WestEd via email at
When a new funding announcement is available, PCCD holds live webinars for entities interested in applying for the process. The webinars contain a walkthrough of the funding announcement and helpful tips for applying. These webinars can be found on PCCD's YouTube Channel.
- Webinar on Violence Reduction Councils with Johns Hopkins, Bloomberg School of Public Health
- PCCD Applicant Resources webpage
- PCCD Funding Announcement Webpage
- Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Dashboard (Pennsylvania State Police)
- Injury Statistics & Violence Data Dashboard (Pennsylvania Department of Health)
- Community-based Violence Prevention & Intervention (U.S. Department of Justice)
- (U.S. Department of Justice)
- Model Programs Guide (Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice)