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Public Safety Training

Act 1994-44 established the constable and deputy constable training and certification program within the PCCD. Basic Training classes of 80 hours of instruction began in 1997. The Basic Firearms course is 40 hours and a 5-hour Annual Firearms Qualification Course is also available.  Annual Continuing Education for constables consists of 20-hours of instruction (8-hours in classroom and 12-hours online).

The Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff training and certification program was established as required by Act 1984-2 with amendments. The program consisted of 760 hours of basic training provided by Pennsylvania State University. Biennial continuing education of sheriffs and deputy sheriffs consists of 20 hours of instruction provided through Temple University. The Board also provides additional training for Sheriffs offices in the following areas: Basic and Advanced Supervisors training, Firearms instructor training, Patrol Rifle training and on-line optional training subjects.

The FET is charged with educating and training county probation officers in the use of firearms. The FET is funded through fees collected by individual Pennsylvania counties. The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency is responsible for providing support staff to the office.

Act 114 of 2019, established the County Adult Probation and Parole Advisory Committee (CAPPAC) under the PCCD.  The PCCD has, therefore, assumed responsibility to provide Basic and Continued Education Training for County Adult Probation and Parole Officers.  The PCCD held its first Basic Training Academy (BTA) on July 26, 2021. The BTA is offered up to four times per year and currently consists of two weeks of intensive training. The curriculum includes one week of virtual instruction and one week of in-person instruction.  Modules of this training include Motivational Interviewing, Evidence Based Practices (EBP), Core Correctional Practices, as well  as other job relevant subject matter. 


PA Virtual Training Network for Law Enforcement

PAVTN.net offers training related to a variety of relevant topics including:

  • MPOETC mandatory in-service and elective courses
  • Continuing Law Enforcement Education Credits (CLEE)
  • Victim response and investigation
  • Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA)