Pennsylvania Pipeline Portal

Appalachia to Market II Project

Appalachia to Market II Project Banner

The Appalachia to Market II and Armagh and Entriken Replacement Projects will provide natural gas transportation service from the Appalachia supply basin in Southwest Pennsylvania to existing local distribution company customers in New Jersey. The Project will also be replacing a gas driven compressor unit with an electric motor driven compressor unit at two existing compressor stations.

The Project involves replacing approximately 2 miles of the existing Line 28 Pipeline Loop, removal of an existing receiver site, installation of a new receiver, compressor unit replacement at the Armagh and Entriken Compressor stations, and utilization of the Lebanon, Myerstown, Mt. Braddock, and Mundys Corner yards/construction storage areas for off-site support activities.

The Appalachia to Market II and Armagh and Entriken Replacement Project sites are in Huntingdon, Indiana, Lebanon, Cambria, and Fayette Counties. The total project area, including pipeline, compressor stations, and support areas, is approximately 153 acres. There are approximately 97 acres of earth disturbance proposed within the project area. No earth disturbance is planned for Cambria and Fayette counties.

Below is information on DEP's review and approval of the permit applications and other useful project information. The material is presented here to enable the public to readily review the application material, any noted technical deficiencies and the company's responses to the technical deficiencies. Additional materials will be added to the site as the Department continues with its review of the permit applications. Persons wishing to review the entire file for this application should contact the Department's Regional Permit Coordination Office File Review Coordinator at 717-772-5987 to schedule a file review.

For those unfamiliar with DEP’s regulatory jurisdiction, DEP has the authority to review and make decisions on permit applications pursuant to environmental regulations such as:

Chapter 102, Erosion and Sediment Control which regulates erosion and sedimentation resulting from earth disturbance activities and the stability of projects. A pipeline project that exceeds five acres of total earth disturbance must obtain an Erosion Control Permit with plans and practices to control stormwater runoff both during and following earthmoving activities.

Chapter 105, Dam Safety and Waterway Management which regulates water obstructions and encroachments focused on activities located in, along, or across wetlands, lakes, streams and floodways.

For some pipeline projects, DEP also processes a State Water Quality Certification. Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, DEP will ensure that activities associated with proposed interstate natural gas transmission pipeline projects regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) comply with state water quality standards. This certification is often authorized conditionally and serves as an index for all DEP water-related permits/approvals that may be required for a pipeline project to demonstrate compliance with state water quality standards.

The reviews of these permit applications are often coordinated with other DEP Programs including, but not limited to, Clean Water (NPDES Permitting for Discharges from Hydrostatic Testing), Air Quality (Air Quality Permitting), Solid Waste Management, Oil and Gas Management, and Bureau of Mining Programs. DEP may also coordinate the review of these permits with other resource agencies, such as County Conservation Districts, the PA Fish and Boat Commission, the PA Game Commission, the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the PA Department of Agriculture, the PA Historic and Museum Commission, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the River Basin Commissions. Please note that this is not an all-inclusive list of agencies and the type of activity associated with the project will dictate the agencies that will be involved.

DEP’s permitting authority does not cover the determination of the overall pipeline route or property rights. Other agencies also have jurisdiction over pipelines, such as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC).


Appalachia to Market II Project Overview Information Sheet

This information sheet (PDF) provides a summary of the project.


    Public Participation Information

    State Water Quality Certification

    On August 8, 2023, DEP issued a conditional State Water Quality Certification to Texas Eastern Transmission, LP for the Appalachia to Market II Project.

    On April 25, 2023, DEP received the following revised request for state water quality certification.

    On February 23, 2023, DEP issued the following technical deficiency letter to the Applicant for its state water quality certification.

    On October 26, 2022, DEP deemed the request for a state water quality certification complete.

    On August 5, 2022, DEP received a request for a state water quality certification.

    Chapter 102 and 105 Permit Applications

    Chapter 102 permit information may be found online through the eFACTS on the Web page. The “Public Permit Review” links to the ePermitting file pageInstructions on how to access the ePermitting page from the eFACTS website.

    On October 30, 2023, DEP issued the Chapter 105, Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit and the Chapter 102, Erosion and Sediment Control (E&S) Permit for Earth Disturbance Associated with Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing, or Treatment Operations or Transmission Facilities to Texas Eastern Transmission, LP for the Appalachia to Market II and Armagh and Entriken Replacement Projects.

    On August 29, 2023 and September 6, 2023, DEP received responses to the Chapter 102 technical deficiency letter sent on August 14, 2023.

    • Chapter 102, E&S Individual Permit Application responses (ESP83322200100E)

    On August 14, 2023, DEP issued a technical deficiency letter to the Applicant for its Chapter 102 permit application.

    • Chapter 102, E&S Individual Permit Application response (ESP83322200100E)

    On July 21-24, 2023, DEP received the following responses to the Chapter 102 and Chapter 105 technical deficiency letters.

    On June 23, 2023 and June 26, 2023, DEP issued technical deficiency letters to the Applicant for its Chapter 102 and Chapter 105 permit applications.

    On April 25, 2023, DEP received the following responses to the Chapter 102 and Chapter 105 technical deficiency letters.

    On February 23, 2023, DEP issued technical deficiency letters to the Applicant for its Chapter 102 and Chapter 105 permit applications.

    On October 26, 2022, DEP deemed the Chapter 102 and 105 permit applications complete.

    On August 24, 2022 the DEP sent an incompleteness letter through ePermitting for the Chapter 102 application submission.

    On August 5, 2022 and August 10, 2022, DEP received the following Chapter 102 and 105 permit applications.