
Revised Short List of Petroleum Products (PDF) see Table III-5 in 261-0300-101 (eLibrary)

Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP)

Asbestos Guidance

Groundwater Monitoring Guidance Manual (PDF) 261-0300-101 (eLibrary)

Implementation Guidance for Evaluating Wastewater Discharges to Drainage Ditches and Swales (PDF) 386-2000-013 (eLibrary)

Direct Push Technology Memorandum (PDF)

Technical Tools

Spreadsheet of Systematic Random Sampling (XLSM) (Updated – June 2018)

Help file for the Systematic Random Sampling Workbook (PDF) (Updated – June 2018)

Chemical and Physical Properties Database

Toxicity Database

Species and Natural Features List

The Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP) inventories and maintains a list of all plant and wildlife species, plant communities, and geologic features in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for which there is conservation concern. This list includes current and proposed vulnerable, rare, threatened, endangered, and extirpated species, as well as species of interest with unique or specific habitat needs or declining populations. It represents the most up-to-date, accurate, scientific information available and reflects current species terminology. The list includes all species and communities inventoried by PNHP and contains species that are not considered in environmental review.

Additional Resources

National Service Center for Environmental Publications

Drinking Water Advisories (PDF)

National Technical Information Services (NTIS)

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) publications

Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC)