Fate and Transport Analysis Tools Referenced in TGM Section III.A:

  • Quick_Domenico (Excel) (78 KB) This spreadsheet calculates the concentration of contamination anywhere in a plume at any time after the source becomes active.
  • SWLOAD5B (Excel) (287 KB) This spreadsheet can be used to estimate the average groundwater concentration, plume flow, and mass loading of a contaminant to surface water from diffuse groundwater discharges for determining surface water compliance of Act 2 and tank remediations using the Toxics Management Spreadsheet.
  • Toxics Management Spreadsheet (Macro-Enabled Excel) – The Toxics Management Spreadsheet is a macro-enabled Excel binary file that combines the functions of the PENTOXSD model and the Toxics Screening Analysis spreadsheet to evaluate the reasonable potential for discharges to cause excursions above water quality standards and to determine WQBELs.
  • For questions regarding technical support, please contact Maria Schumack.
  • PENTOXSD for Windows (Version 2.0d - Standalone)
    • The Access version of PENTOXSD is no longer supported. Please use the Toxics Management Spreadsheet for modeling of impacts to surface water from diffuse flow of contaminated groundwater.
  • Buffer1 2600-FM-BECB0026 (Excel) (608 KB) This spreadsheet can be used to estimate the potential contaminant concentration entering groundwater resulting from migration of a contaminant in vadose soil of a given thickness and with a given contaminant concentration.
  • Buscheck_Alcantar (Excel) (35 KB) This spreadsheet calculates a lambda value for the centerline of a plume with a continuous source at steady-state conditions.