Program Administration
- Program Guidance Document (1999, revised 2008) – This document describes the policies and procedures of the program
- Executive Order 1980-20 – Directive establishing the program
- Evaluation Findings for the Pennsylvania Coastal Zone Management Program, August 2005 to September 2010 (2011) – NOAA is required to conduct periodic reviews of federally approved coastal program, completed by site visits, stakeholder surveys, and five-year evaluation metrics. An updated evaluation took place in 2019 and the resulting report is currently being finalized.
- Routine Program Changes – View a list of changes made to the federally approved program.
Other Coastal Program Information
- Section 309 Assessment/Strategy (FY2021 – FY2025) – Every five years, CRMP reviews nine enhancement areas to identify priority needs and opportunities for improvement. The resulting multi-year strategy focuses on one or more select priority goals.
- Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP) Plan (2009) – This voluntary federal land acquisition program was created in 2002 and incorporated into the Coastal Zone Management Act. Pennsylvania developed the linked plan, in order to received matching funds to purchase threatened land or conservation easements. The Program has not received direct funding since FY2012. More information can be found on NOAA’s Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program webpage.
- Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program (CNPP) - The Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program, which was established in 1990 by Section 6217 of the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments, is jointly administered by NOAA and the EPA. The goal is to reduce polluted runoff to coastal waters. Pennsylvania received conditional approval of its program in 1997 and full approval in 2001. More information can be found on NOAA’s Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program webpage.
Coastal Reports
- View of listing of reports, studies, and plans developed with CRM funding or involvement. Please contact the office at (717) 772-4785 or to obtain a digital copy of a document.
Bluff Recession Files
- Bluff Recession Hazard Area Designations (2004)
- Municipal Reference Document: Guidance for the Implementation of the Chapter 85 Bluff Recession and Setback Regulations (2013)
- These same documents and more information can be found on the main Lake Erie Bluff Recession webpage
Federal Consistency
- Coastal Zone Management Act Federal Consistency Form and Instructions (2018)
- More information on federal consistency can be found on the main Federal Consistency webpage
About the Program
Bluff Recession Hazard Area Designations
Coastal Zone Aerial Photography
Coastal Zone Boundary Files
Delaware Estuary Coastal Zone Boundary Maps
Federal Consistency
Federal Evaluation
Lake Erie Bluff Recession
Lake Erie Coastal Zone Boundary Maps
New Initiatives and Technical Projects
Interstate Water Resources Management Division
Coastal Resources Management Program