The Engineer’s Report, which is part of the application package, should provide basic information about the existing system, the design information and basis for the proposed project, and an assessment of the impact on water quality and/or quantity. Further details can be found in the Public Water Supply Manual - Part II Community System Design Standards (383-2125-108). Specifically, the Engineer’s Report should include the following information:
I. General information
- a. A description of the existing water works
- b. An identification of the municipality or area served
II. Extent of Water Supply System
- a. A description of the nature and extent of the area to be served
- b. Provisions for extending water supply system to include additional areas
- c. An appraisal of the future requirements for service, including existing and potential industrial, commercial, institutional, and other water supply
III. Justification of the Project
- a. Where two or more alternatives exist, each of which is feasible and practicable, discuss the alternatives
- b. Reasons for selecting the recommended options, including financial, operational requirements, operator qualifications, reliability, and water quality considerations
- c. Information on alternatives considered to enhance energy efficiency, use alternate energy sources, and prevent pollution.
IV. Water Use Data
- a. A description of population trends from available records and the estimated population which will be served by the proposed water supply system or system expansion over the next 20 years (in 5 year intervals) or over the useful life of the equipment
- b. Information on water consumption and projected average and maximum daily demands including fire flow where provided
- c. Information on estimated yield of the sources
- d. Information related to any unusual occurrences that may affect water usage
V. Fire Flows
- a. Proof that the fire flow requirements are satisfied as established by the Insurance Services Office (ISO) (or other similar agency)
- b. Information fire flows available from the proposed system
VI. Sewage Facilities
- a. Description of existing sewage treatment facilities (e.g., on lot) and or municipal sewage treatment works
- b. A reference to the location to existing or proposed structures that affect the operation of the water supply system, or which may affect source water quality
VII. Sources of Water
- a. Surface Water Sources
- i. A description of the proposed source (s) of water supply to be developed and the reason(s) for selection
- ii. Summarized data on raw water quality with special reference to fluctuations in quality, changing meteorological conditions, stream flow, etc.
- iii. Hydrological data, stream flow, and weather records
- iv. Reliable yield, including all factors that may affect it
- v. Maximum flood flow, together with approval for safety features of the spillway and dam, from the Bureau of Waterways Engineering and Wetlands (BWEW)
- vi. Description of the watershed, noting any existing or potential sources of contamination (e.g., sewage treatment plants, industrial facilities, etc.) which may affect water quality)
- b. Ground Water Sources
- i. A separate Hydrogeologic Report, signed and sealed by a professional geologist licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is required with the permit application package
- ii. A description of the proposed (source(s) of water supply to be developed and the reason(s) for selection
- iii. Documentation for proof of ownership, or substantial control, through a deed restriction or other methods acceptable to DEP, of the Zone I wellhead protection area that prohibits activities within Zone I that may have a potential adverse impact on source water quality or quantity
VIII. Proposed Treatment Processes
- a. Summary and information establishing the adequacy of proposed processes and unit hydraulics for the treatment of the specific water under consideration
- b. Information on alternative methods of water treatment and chemical use considered as a means of reducing waste handling and disposal problems
- c. Information on bench scale tests, pilot studies, or other demonstrations used to establish adequacy for some water quality standards
IX. Project Sites
- a. Information on the various sites considered and advantages of the recommended site(s)
- b. Proximity of residences, industries, and other establishments that may influence the quality of the supply or interfere with effective operation of the water supply system
X. Automation
- a. Supporting data justifying automatic equipment, including the servicing and operator training to be provided
- b. Proof of manual overrides that must be provided for any automatic controls
- c. Information on highly sophisticated automation may put proper maintenance beyond the capability of the plant operator, leading to equipment breakdowns or expensive servicing
- d. Information on adequate funding for maintenance of automatic equipment
XI. Waste Disposal
- a. Information on the various wastes from the water treatment plant, their volume, proposed treatment, and points of discharge
- b. If discharging to a sanitary sewerage system, verification that the system, including any lift stations, is hydraulically capable of handling the flow to the sewage treatment works; that the treatment works is capable of properly treating the wastewater; and that the wastewater treatment plant operator will accept the additional loading
XII. Soil, Groundwater Conditions, and Foundation Problems
- a. A description of the character of the soil through which water mains are to be laid
- b. A description of the foundation conditions prevailing at sites of proposed structures
- c. A description of the approximate elevation of groundwater in relation to subsurface structures
XIII. Future Extensions
Describe any intended capital improvements for future needs and services.