Pilot Studies may be needed for the following modifications to demonstrate compliance with regulations and statutory limitations:

  • Treatment parameters outside of those identified in the Public Water Supply Manual - Part II Community System Design Standards (383-2125-108)
  • Any new or unconventional technology

Pilot studies should be conducted with the following considerations:

  • all water from the study to waste (not distribution)
  • a sufficient period of time to account for source water changes that may affect operation (seasonal/operational, etc.)
  • use and comparison of multiple removal technologies
  • comparison to current operations to demonstrate measurable improvement of water quality
  • evaluation for simultaneous compliance (e.g. disinfection, DBP formation, corrosion control)
  • comparison to current operations to demonstrate measurable improvement of water quality
  • include evaluation for simultaneous compliance (disinfection, DBP formation, corrosion control)

The pilot study procedure flow chart below and the Pilot Study Application and Instructions provide additional guidance on the process for conducting a pilot study.

Pilot Study Procedure Flow Chart

Pilot Study Application and Instructions (3940-FM-BSDW0017)