MS4 Annual Status Reports
MS4 permittees must submit a complete Annual MS4 Status Report using DEP's annual report template to the DEP regional office that issued permit coverage by September 30th of each year.
- Annual Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Status Report (3800-FM-BCW0491)
- Annual Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Status Report Instructions (3800-FM-BCW0491)
PRP and TMDL Plan Final Reports
MS4 permittees with PRP and/or TMDL Plan requirements must achieve the pollutant load reductions required by their PRP or TMDL Plan within 5 years following DEP’s approval of permit coverage. A report demonstrating compliance with the minimum pollutant load reductions must be attached to the first Annual MS4 Status Report that is due following completion of the 5th year of permit coverage.
For example, if DEP issued written approval of coverage to a permittee on June 1, 2018, the required pollutant load reductions must be implemented by June 1, 2023 and the final report documenting the BMPs that were implemented (with appropriate calculations) must be attached to the annual report that is due September 30, 2023.
- Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP) / TMDL Plan Final Report (3800-FM-BCW0014)
- Instructions for completing the PRP/TMDL Plan Final Report are included within the Annual Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Status Report Instructions (3800-FM-BCW0491).
DEP is in the process of transitioning to an electronic reporting system for the submission of Annual MS4 Status Reports through DEP’s GreenPort system. Use of the eReporting application for the submission of Annual Reports is encouraged but not required. Use of the eReporting system is currently voluntary. Permittees that submit Annual Reports electronically do not need to also provide paper copies. It is anticipated that use of the eReporting system will become mandatory for all MS4s in the future.
Permittees are encouraged to review the eReporting User Guide and training posted to Clean Water Academy to become familiar with the eReporting system. While the majority of the electronic report closely mirrors the current Annual Status Report form, there are several differences, most notably the PCSM BMP inventory. A copy of the eReporting PCSM BMP Inventory template and a training module on preparing your PCSM BMP Inventory are included in the Clean Water Academy training. It is recommended that permittees review this training and start preparing their PCSM BMP inventories early in preparation for future report submission.