Division of Storage Tanks

Financial Assistance

Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Fund (USTIF), Department of Insurance

USTIF Insurance Web Site
901 North 7th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Telephone: 717-787-0763 or 1-800-595-9887

The Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Fund (USTIF) will pay claims from eligible UST owners for the costs of cleanup, remediation, and third party damages as a result of a release. This fund, which started in February 1994, is financed through fees assessed to underground storage tank owners or operators.

Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)

DEP - Bureau of Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields
P.O. Box 8762
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8762

This program known as "Pump and Plug" is administered by DEP's Division of Storage Tanks and will reimburse eligible underground storage tank owners of non-upgraded tanks for the cost of pumping, cleaning, and plugging their tanks up to $2,500 per tank.

Underground Heating Oil Tank Cleanup Reimbursement Program

Underground Heating Oil Tank Cleanup Reimbursement Program
DEP - Bureau of Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields
P.O. Box 8471
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8471

This program is administered by DEP's Storage Tank Cleanup Program and will reimburse eligible heating oil tank owners (3,000 gallons or less) for the costs of corrective action associated with a release. The tank owner must pay a $1,000 deductible. The reimbursement is limited to the remaining eligible costs or $4,000, whichever is less. The reimbursement and deductible apply on a per tank basis. All reimbursements are funded through the Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Fund and up to $750,000 per year may be available.