The Federal Energy Policy Act became effective Aug. 8, 2005. A provision of the Energy Act makes it unlawful to deliver to an underground storage tank that has been determined to be ineligible for such delivery.
Based on the Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Act, the Department of Environmental Protection has had the authority to prohibit deliveries since 1989. The adoption of permitting regulations in 1997 gave the DEP a way to prohibit deliveries through administrative orders suspending or revoking the operating permit.
Deliveries cannot be made unless a storage tank (underground or aboveground) is properly registered and the DEP approves an operating permit for the storage tank. DEP issues the tank owner a certificate of registration, which has an expiration date and indicated the permit type and status for each storage tank at the time the registration certificate was issued. At retail facilities, the current certificate should be displayed in a noticeable area at the facility. Distributors should review the registration certificate to see that the storage tank is currently registered. The DEP prohibits deliveries through administrative orders suspending or revoking the operating permit, but does not suspend or revoke registration certificates. The Storage Tank Product Delivery Prohibition Guidance (PDF) describes the circumstances under which DEP may impose storage tank product delivery prohibition. Distributors are cautioned that the permit status on the certificate may not be current, and prior to making the delivery, distributors should check with the tank owner or check the following "Storage Tank Search" on this web page before making the delivery. Select permit statuses of SUSPENDED and REVOKED to receive a report of tanks PROHIBITED FROM RECEIVING PRODUCT DELIVERIES. Tanks with permit statuses of DENIED, WITHHELD, or WITHDRAWN may not be operated. While not directly associated with delivery prohibition, these tanks should not receive product deliveries. Ensure the proper permit statuses are selected for the query that you wish to perform.
For an explanation of the fields contained in the Storage Tank Search, refer to the key under Regulated Storage Tank List.
NOTE: Due to the sensitive nature of the information, the search above does not include tanks storing highly hazardous substances and aboveground storage tanks with a capacity greater than 21,000 gallons. Questions concerning the permit status of these tanks should be directed to the DEP at 1 (800) 42TANKS (PA Only) or (717) 772-5599.
2018 Revisions to Pennsylvania's Storage Tank Regulations
About Storage Tanks
Storage Tank ePermitting
Storage Tank Data / Searches
Fact Sheets
Technical Guidance Documents
Forms and Applications
Aboveground Storage Tanks
Underground Storage Tanks
Register a Storage Tank
Storage Tank Permitting
Installer and Inspector Certification
Report Closure of Storage Tank System
Storage Tank Delivery Prohibition
Financial Assistance
Pollution Prevention Grant
Storage Tank Advisory Committee