Division of Storage Tanks

​Technical Guidance Documents

DEP has created an electronic library of available guidance documents available at eLibrary. In the library, documents are formatted in PDF format.

ID NumberTitle
Current Revision Date
263-0900-006Stationary/Non-Stationary Tanks (PDF)
(effective 12/27/1993)
263-4500-601Closure Requirements for Underground Storage Tank Systems (PDF)

Site Assessment Sampling Requirements at Regulated Storage Tank System Closures 2630-BK-DEP4699 (PDF) 




263-0900-009Exemption from Registration Fees for Volunteer Fire Companies or Voluntary Emergency Medical Services (EMS) (PDF)09/15/2012
263-0900-011Storage Tank Modification and Maintenance Issues (PDF)1/23/2021
263-0900-012Storage Tank Cleaning Activities (PDF)09/08/2012
263-0900-014Applicability of Chapter 245.453, Closure of UST systems prior to Federal regulations (PDF)
(effective 02/13/1995)
263-0900-001UST / AST Variances (PDF)01/02/2021
263-0900-022Verification of Emergency Containment Structures for Aboveground Storage Tanks (PDF)07/10/2021
263-3120-001Evaluation of Underground Storage Tank Liners (PDF)1/20/2023
​​​263-4000-001Storage Tank Product Delivery Prohibition (PDF)09/08/2012
263-4180-001Penalty Assessment Matrix (PDF)09/08/2012
263-4180-002Storage Tank Compliance Assistance Strategy (PDF)
(effective 11/16/1997)
263-4200-001Closure Requirements for Aboveground Storage Tank Systems (PDF)

Site Assessment Sampling Requirements at Regulated Storage Tank System Closures 2630-BK-DEP4699 (PDF) 




263-2300-001Underground Storage Tank Class A and Class B Operator Training Courses (PDF)12/14/2019
263-4200-002Guidelines for the Evaluation of Underground Storage Tank Cathodic Protection Systems (PDF)06/29/2019

Technical Bulletins

DEP occasionally sends notices to certified companies and individuals regarding important topics. These notices can be accessed below by clicking on the title. Clicking the hyperlink will open the document in a new tab or window.

Emergency Generator Set System Product Piping (PDF)6/27/2023
Depleted or Failing Galvanic Sacrificial CP Systems Between Double-Bottomed Tank Bottoms (PDF)12/08/2022
Important Information Regarding the December 22, 2018 Regulation Changes (PDF)12/03/2020
Emergency Containment Requirements for Large Aboveground Storage Tanks (PDF)02/20/2020
Double-Walled ASTs with Uncontained Tank Shell Penetrations Below the Maximum Product Level (PDF)
Ball Float Vent Valve and Drop Tube Shutoff Valve Installation Concerns (PDF)
Replacement of Pipe Extracted Through a Chase Pipe (PDF)
sti-P3® Tanks and the Addition of Supplemental Anodes (PDF)02/29/2016
Continuous In-Tank Leak-Detection System Concerns (PDF)07/05/2016
Closed Top ASTs (PDF)01/05/2016
Signatures of Certified Individuals (PDF)03/28/2014
UST Operator Training (PDF)02/06/2012
Release Detection Requirements for New Suction System Piping RESCINDED 02/25/2020 (PDF)03/24/2011
Replacement of Pipe Extracted Through a Chase Pipe (PDF)03/24/2011
Interstitial Monitoring for Pipe Release Detection (PDF)12/20/2007
Red Jacket MLLD Model 116-030 (PDF)10/22/2007
Tank Purging (PDF)01/05/2004
Ball Floats and Coaxial Stage I Vapor Recovery (PDF)09/09/1999
Ball Floats and Suction Systems (PDF)06/11/1999