Consent Assessment of Civil Penalty
The Department has negotiated a Consent Assessment of Civil Penalty with Keystone Sanitary Landfill for violations of exceeding its leachate storage capacity for several months in 2023 and 2024. The agreement calls for Keystone Landfill to pay a civil penalty and to continue with corrective actions to limit similar violations in the future.
Odor Complaints
On February 18, 2025, DEP notified Keystone Landfill of the more than 195 odor complaints received by the Department since January 14, 2025.
Keystone Landfill Operating Permit Renewal Application
- Permit Renewal Application (PDF)
- Renewal Acceptance Letter (PDF)
Keystone Landfill has submitted a permit application to renew its operating permit for its facility in the boroughs of Dunmore and Throop, Lackawanna County.
Keystone Minor Permit Modification - Reverse Osmosis System
Keystone Landfill has applied to DEP for a minor permit modification for the installation of two 2.5-MG leachate storage aboveground storage tanks and a fourth reverse osmosis unit at its facility in the boroughs of Dunmore and Throop, Lackawanna County.
Consent Order and Agreement
Keystone Landfill has reached a Consent Order and Agreement with the department regarding odor issues over a four-month period, including creating a malodor at its facility. The order includes a civil penalty, and the steps the landfill must take to mitigate odor issues in the future.
- DEP response to Keystone’s Response to Recent NOV’s (PDF)
- Keystone Landfill response to January 8, 2024 Notice of Violation (PDF)
- Keystone Landfill Response to December 2023 NOV
On January 8, 2024, a Notice of Violation was issued to Keystone Landfill for failing to control odors at its facility in Lackawanna County. The notice also cites the landfill for creating a malodor affecting the public.
DEP has issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) to Keystone Landfill for numerous odor violations dating back to mid-November. DEP issued the NOV after numerous complaints from residents and staff confirming odors during odor patrols near landfill.
- Keystone Landfill Response to DEP Letter (Settlement Accommodation Plan) (PDF)
- Keystone SAP Area Suspension Letter (PDF)
DEP has suspended Keystone Landfill’s Settlement Accommodation Plan which provided for the removal of the existing cap to add waste to already existing waste at the facility. The DEP based its decision on the number of odor complaints from residents and the documentation by DEP of off-site odors near the landfill.
- DEP Response to Keystone Response to Odor Complaints (PDF)
- Keystone Response to DEP Odor Complaints (Oct/Nov 2023) (PDF)
The DEP issued a letter to Keystone Landfill in October 2023 to address odor issues at the facility due to a high number of complaints about odors. Keystone responded to those complaints in November of 2023 and DEP issued a response letter to Keystone Landfill.
Keystone Landfill National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System Permit Application
Keystone Landfill has withdrawn its application for a National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System Permit to discharge treated wastewater into Little Roaring Brook Creek.
Keystone Landfill Air Quality Plan Approval
Air Quality plan approval which allows Keystone Landfill to continue to utilize the existing flares (5 enclosed and 3 portable) on the landfill property to control landfill gas (methane) generated by landfill operations and send the generated landfill gas to the Assai gas plant on site to be processed into pipeline quality gas (renewable natural gas).
Archaea Energy Air Quality Plan Approval
Air Quality plan approval which allows Archaea Energy to construct and operate the Assai Energy gas processing facility on Keystone Landfill property. This permit allows Assai to convert the landfill gas to renewable natural gas.
Phase III Major Permit Modification
This allows Keystone Landfill to expand on its existing facility in the boroughs of Dunmore and Throop in Lackawanna County and increase its disposal capacity.
- Phase III Major Permit Modification and Comment/Response Document (June 2021) (PDF)
Site Background
The Keystone Landfill is a 714-acred landfill that applied for a major permit modification in 2014 to expand its facility on its existing permitted area of 345-acres in the Boroughs of Dunmore and Throop in Lackawanna County.
Resources and Links
Keystone Landfill's response to the Department’s second Technical Deficiency Letter from February 2021.
- Keystone Sanitary Landfill response to second TDL (PDF)
- Keystone Sanitary Landfill response to second TDL plan set (PDF)
- Keystone Landfill Second Technical Deficiency Letter (PDF)
- Keystone Landfill Response to Technical Deficiency Letter (Technical Review Phase) The landfill’s response to the technical deficiency letter the department sent out in September. The response addresses the issues the department raised during the review process.
- Keystone Landfill Technical Deficiency Letter (Technical Review Phase)
The Department’s Technical Deficiency Letter as part of the technical review phase of Keystone Landfill’s 2014 permit application for expansion. The letter requests more information from the landfill owner so the department can proceed with a review of the application.
Keystone Landfill Response to DEP 2019 Environmental Assessment
- KSL Plans 2020 Submission (PDF)
- Transmittal Letters (PDF)
- Volume 1 (PDF)
- Volume 2 (PDF)
- Volume 3 (PDF)
DOH/ATSDR Health Consultation Report
- Final DOH/ATSDR Health Consultation Report (PDF)
- Keystone Sanitary Landfill Fact Sheet (PDF)
- Keystone Sanitary Landfill Executive Summary (PDF)
- Keystone Sanitary Landfill Health Consultation (PDF)
- PA DEP Air Monitoring Results
Permit Application for Expansion (2014/15)
- Keystone Landfill Response Second Environmental Assessment Letter (PDF)
- Keystone Landfill Second Environmental Assessment Letter (PDF)
- PADEP First Environmental Assessment Review Letter (PDF)
- KSL EA Response Volume 1-Response to General Comments and Form D Comments (PDF)
- KSL EA Response Volume 2-Response to Harms 1 through 15 (PDF)
- KSL EA Response Volume 3-Response to Harms 16 through 23 and response to all Benefit comments (PDF)
- KSL EA Response-Revised Form I and Stormwater Calculations (PDF)
- KSL EA Response-Revised PH3 Plan Set (PDF)
- Keystone Landfill Powerpoint (PDF)
- Keystone Landfill Permit Renewal (PDF)
- Keystone Landfill Fact Sheet (PDF)
- Keystone Landfill Plain Language Summary (PDF)
- PADOH-Keystone Landfill Health Assessment Update (October 2015) (PDF)
- Plan set (Grading, Leachate Collection, Construction/Operation/Closure, Gas Management System, Liner Construction, Stormwater Management, Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Baseline Sections, Site Profiles, Site Boring, Site Mining and Site Geologic & Hydrogeologic Plans) (PDF)
- Geo-Physical Logs (Site Subsurface Information) (PDF)
- Volume 1 (General Information Form and Certifications (PDF)
- Volume 2 (Environmental Assessment for Municipal Waste Facilities) (PDF)
- Volume 3 (Soils and Gas Management) (PDF)
- Volume 4 (Geologic, Radiation, Maps, and Emergency Contingency Plan) (PDF)
- Volume 5 (Hydrogeological Ground Water Analysis (PDF)
- Volume 6 (Mineral Deposits, Operations plan, Water Monitoring, and Liner System) (PDF)
- Volume 7 (Leachate Management, Closure, and Meteorological data) (PDF)
Alliance Landfill
Arcadia Warehouse Project
Bethlehem Landfill Expansion
Betz Court Warehouse Project
Blue Ridge Real Estate, Lot #2 Project
BRADS Landfill
CES Landfill
Core 5 at Route 100 Warehouse Project
CORE 5 Monroe County Warehouse
Demi Road Warehouse Project
I-80 – 115 C1 Site Warehouse
Keystone Cement
Natural Soil Products
Panther Creek Electric Generating Facility
River Pointe Logistics Center
Roaring Brook Sediment Release
Swiftwater Solar
Swoyersville Culm Bank Removal Project
Northeast Community Information