Media Resources

Traffic Laws

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Pedestrian Law

Pedestrian Law - Twitter
Pedestrian Law - Square

Clear Ice and Snow

Clear Ice and Snow - Twitter
Clear Ice and Snow - Square

BAC Change

BAC Change - Twitter
BAC Change - Square


School Bus Stopping Law - Animated
Yield to Blind Pedestrians - Square
Work Zone Speed - Square

No Headphones

No Headphones - Twitter
No Headphones - Square

No Idling

No Idling - Twitter
No Idling - Square

Steer Clear

Steer Clear - Twitter
Steer Clear - Square

Turn Around

Turn Around Don't Drown - Twitter
Turn Around Don't Drown - Square


Wipers Headlights - Twitter
Wipers Headlights - Square


HSLA Seat Belt - Parachute
HSLA Pilot V2
HSLA Roller Coaster V2
HSLA Speeding
HSLA Texting Paramedic
HSLA Young Driver


Law No. 1 — Blind Pedestrians

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania State Police team up to remind you of lesser-known state laws.

Law No. 2 — Do Not Wear Headphones

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania State Police team up to remind you of lesser-known state laws.

Law No. 3 — "Ride on Red"

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania State Police team up to remind you of lesser-known state laws.

Law No. 4 — Idling Vehicles

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania State Police team up to remind you of lesser-known state laws.

Law No. 5 —Steer Clear

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania State Police team up to remind you of lesser-known state laws.

Law No. 6 — DUI Change

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania State Police team up to remind you of lesser-known state laws.

Law No. 7 - Turn Around, Don't Drown

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania State Police team up to remind you of lesser-known state laws.

Law No. 8 —Pedestrian Safety Law

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania State Police team up to remind you of lesser-known state laws.

Law No. 9 —Ice and Snow, Take it Slow

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania State Police team up to remind you of lesser-known state laws.

Law No. 9 — Automated Work Zone Enforcement

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania State Police team up to remind you of lesser-known state laws.