District 6 Projects - Delaware County

Concord Rd./McDonald Blvd./Sunfield Dr. Intersection Improvements

Project Overview

County: Delaware
Municipality: Chichester Township
State Route(s): Route 3007
Local Name(s): Concord Road, McDonald Boulevard, Sunfield Drive
Project Type: Intersection Improvements
Last Updated: February 2025

​The proposed project includes intersection improvements at the Concord Road/McDonald Blvd intersection and Concord Road/Sunfield Drive/WestRock driveway. The proposed project will reconfigure the two-way stop-controlled intersections into modern roundabouts. The project will involve pavement reconstruction, highway lighting, and utility relocations.

The purpose of the project is to improve mobility and meet regional and local traffic needs by reducing delays/congestion and improving safety at the intersections of Concord Road (SR 3007)/McDonald Blvd (T-405) and Concord Road (SR 3007)/Sunfield Drive (private).

The needs for this project include:

  1. Heavy traffic volumes on Concord Road create delays of over 200 seconds per vehicle in the 2045 AM & PM condition for vehicles leaving McDonald Boulevard attempting to enter Concord Road according to HCM results.  Vehicles attempting to turn left from southbound Concord Road onto Sunfield Drive create significant delays of over 130 seconds per vehicle in the AM peak hour and over 200 seconds in the PM peak hour

  2. The intersection of McDonald Boulevard and Concord Road has a crash rate that is more than twice the statewide average for similar facilities and an injury crash rate that is almost double the statewide average. 

Contact Information

Mirlene Saintval
Project Manager


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.

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