Project Overview
County: Chester County
Municipality: West Marlborough Township
State Route: Route 82
Local Name: Doe Run Road
Project Type: Bridge Replacement
This project will replace the existing bridge superstructure carrying Route 82 (Doe Run Road) over Doe Run. The project is located in West Marlborough Township, Chester County, about 0.12 miles south of Chatham Rd (Route 841); and 0.23 miles north of Wilson Rd.
Route 82 carries 4881 vehicles per day (2024) with 9% truck traffic. The surrounding area is a combination of single-family homes, farmhouses, and farmland.
The existing bridge is a single-span bridge that consists of non-composite rolled steel I-beams with 5-1/4” open steel grid deck superstructure and steel bridge railings. The existing bridge has a curb-to-curb width of 22’, a span length of 56.5’, and an out-to-out width of 23’ that was constructed in 1932. The guide rail is present at all four corners of the approaches.
The proposed bridge superstructure will be steel I-beams or prestressed concrete beams. The open grid steel deck will be replaced with a slightly wider concrete deck with a curb-to-curb width of 22.79’ (out-to-out: 25.79’). The existing steel bridge railing will be replaced with a PA-3 Rail bridge barrier system with painted brown rails. The stone masonry substructures will be modified and recapped to accommodate new bridge seats and concrete end diaphragms. The soil behind the abutment faces will be excavated and replaced with lightweight concrete. Roadway reconstruction and resurfacing will be limited to 100’ on both approaches. New signings and pavement markings will be installed.
Route 82 (Doe Run Road) is already detoured, and the bridge is currently closed due to the critical condition. Driveway access will be maintained at all times.
Construction is scheduled to begin, Monday, March 3, 2025.
Contact Information
Justin Gattorno
Project Manager
The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.
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