
As of January 2024, Pennsylvania ranks 17th in the country in the number of public-use aviation facilities with 121 airports, heliports, and seaplane bases. According to a 2022 study, the state's public-use facilities provide an annual economic impact of $34.1 billion to the state. The aviation industry also supports more than 200,000 jobs making it one of the largest employment sectors in the state. Pennsylvania also supports the state's 229 private-use airports and 278 private-use heliports.

Aviation Services

Apply for an Aviation Grant

Apply for one of the four grant programs for airport development that PennDOT administers using eGrants.

Apply for an Aviation Grant

Apply for or Renew an Airport or Heliport License

If you are a new airport or heliport owner looking to build a new airport or helipad in Pennsylvania, you are required to apply for a license. You also need to renew your license every three years.

Apply for or Renew an Airport or Heliport License

Apply for an Airport Licensing Waiver

If you run an airport in Pennsylvania and want to avoid certain airway requirements, you need to apply for an airport licensing waiver.

Apply for an Airport Licensing Waiver

Register an Unmanned Aircraft System/Drone

If you plan to operate an Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), you must be aware of the rules and regulations that govern the use of drones. All drones, both recreational- and commercial-use weighing between 0.55 lbs and 55 lbs, must be registered with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Register an Unmanned Aircraft System/Drone

Submit a Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration on or Near a Public Airport

If you plan to build a new structure, to add to an existing structure, or to erect or maintain an object, natural or manmade, in close proximity to a public airport, as must first submit a written notice for approval at least 30 days in advance.

Submit a Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration on or Near a Public Airport

Contact Bureau of Aviation

Business Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday

Executive Office and Administration
400 North Street
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-705-1200
Fax: 717-705-1255

Flight Services
611 Ross Avenue
New Cumberland, PA 17070
Phone: 717-346-4304
Fax: 717-705-1255

Planning and Programming
Phone: 717-705-1251

Engineering and Project Management
Phone: 717-705-1250

Licensing and Safety
Phone: 717-705-1237​
Fax: 717-705-1245