Project Status
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Project Overview
County: Mercer
Municipalities: Hempfield, West Salem, and Sugar Grove townships
State Route: Route 18
Local Name: Conneaut Lake Road
Project Type: Intersection Improvement
Construction Start Date: April 2025
Construction End Date: October 2025
Last Updated: 3/17/2025
This project is to realign the east side of Williamson Road at its intersection with Route 18 in Hempfield, West Salem, and Sugar Grove townships, Mercer County.
The intersection is located on Route 18 (Conneaut Lake Road) just north of Thiel College on the north side of Greenville.
The project will include realigning Williamson Road on the east side to be directly opposite its intersection on the west side. It is currently offset by approximately 10 to 12 feet. It will also include radii improvements at all corners and sight distance improvements on the southeast corner of the intersection.
Work will also include drainage upgrades, milling, paving, sign updates, and pavement markings.
Work is expected to start April 2025, weather permitting, and to be completed by October 2025.
The contractor is Glenn O. Hawbaker of State College, PA. The contract cost is $932,932, which is to be paid entirely with federal funds.
Traffic Impact
The project will require a detour, which will be posted using Route 58 (College Avenue) and Route 358 (Main Street). The detour route is expected to be implemented on April 7 and be in place for 100 calendar days.
At times when the detour is not in place, motorists may encounter lane restrictions with traffic controlled by flaggers.
Contact Information
Jason Urban
Project Manager
Jill Harry
Press Officer
The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.
Title VI
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