District 6 Projects - Chester County

Birchrun Road over Birch Run Bridge Replacement Project

Project Overview

County: Chester County
Municipality: West Vincent Township
State Route: Route 1030
Local Name: Birchrun Road
Project Type: Bridge Replacement
Last Updated: March 2025

The existing two span reinforced concrete slab bridge was built in 1923. The bridge superstructure and substructure are in poor condition with extensive deterioration.

The proposed scope of work includes the removal and replacement of the existing bridge, abutments, pier, and wing walls. The proposed replacement bridge will be a one-span prestressed adjacent plank beam bridge which will be located in the same approximate footprint as the existing structure. The bridge will be widened by 9’ to provide a 26’ width curb-to-curb (29’ out-to-out) capable of supporting two 10’ travel lanes and two 3’ shoulders. The proposed bridge barrier will be a PA Type 10M barrier that will be painted brown. The proposed structure will not include a pier. The existing bridge plaque will be salvaged and incorporated into the new bridge project.

Full depth reconstruction for the approach roadway will extend on both sides of the bridge for approximately 35 feet and will be widened to match the bridge. New guiderail will be installed in all four quadrants and will be painted the same color as the PA Type 10M barrier. Signs and pavement markings will be updated to current standards. Minor drainage improvements will be included, as well as an extension of the 15” existing roadway cross pipe located under Hollow Road and a new rock apron at the pipe outlet at Birch Run. 

During construction, Birchrun Road will be detoured. Driveway access will be maintained at all times.


Contact Information

Connor Shelly
Project Manager


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