PennDOT Programs
With nearly 40,000 miles of roadway and 25,000 bridges maintained by PennDOT, the department works with local governments, the private sector, planning partners and others to maintain the state's transportation network. These resources provide information needed from the project planning stage through improvement completion.
View work being done in your local community in our Projects Near You database.
To see construction projects underway or expected to begin or be bid this year, as well as the four years of projects in Pennsylvania's Transportation Improvement Program, visit our PennDOT Projects website.
Stakeholders of all kinds can see project locations, highway and bridge conditions, planned activities and much more using our OneMap.
Doing Business with PennDOT
Whether you’re reviewing grant requirements, applying for a highway permit or using an asset management system, you can find the information or online service you need here. To submit a construction bid, use our Engineering and Construction Management System (ECMS).
Register as a PennDOT Construction Contractor Business Partner
DOT Grants
Rail Freight & Ports
Public Transportation
Local Government
Online Services
Apply to Operate a Personal Delivery Device If you want to operate a Personal Delivery Device (PPD) to transport cargo and goods, you need to apply to get authorization.
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act