​​​​Jacksonville Road and Almshouse Road Intersection Improvements

Project Overview

County: Bucks
Municipality: Northampton Township
State Routes: Route 2089, Route 332
Local Names: Almshouse Road, Jacksonville Road
Project Type: Intersection Improvement
Last Updated: March 2025

The intersection of Jacksonville Road and Almshouse Road currently experiences significant traffic backups during the AM and PM peak hours.  This is partially due to high traffic volumes, including trucks and school buses, the lack of dedicated turning lanes and poor intersection geometry.  The poor intersection geometry is due to the presence of a retaining wall and stream that is located adjacent to the travel lane on the southeastern corner of the intersection.  Trucks and school buses turning from Jacksonville Road onto Almshouse Road often encroach into the westbound Almshouse Road travel lane.  The intersection also experiences flooding during storm events.

This project will address congestion and operational issues at the intersection.  Improvements will consist of the installation of a single-lane roundabout at the intersection of Jacksonville Road and Almshouse Road, widening for an eastbound left turn lane at the intersection of Old Jacksonville Road and Almshouse Road, shoulder widening, drainage improvements, and signing upgrades.  

The project will utilize staged construction and will maintain one-lane of traffic in each direction along Almshouse Road. Jacksonville Road will be detoured during construction. The detour will utilize West Bristol Road and Mearns Road for vehicles traveling north and west towards Jamison. Vehicles traveling north and east towards Richboro will utilize East Bristol Road and North Second Street Pike.

Anticipated construction start and completion dates can be seen in the “Project Report” link in the Resources section of this site.

​Recording of the Public Meeting


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