District 8 Projects - Franklin County

Corner Road over Licking Creek Bridge Restoration

Project Status

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Public Outreach

Public Comment Period

The public comment period, where the community is encouraged to respond with questions and concerns will be from March 7, 2025 through  April 7, 2025

Virtual Plans Display

​The virtual plans display will be available online from March 7, 2025 through  April 7, 2025

Project Overview

County: Franklin
Municipality: Montgomery Township
State Route: Route 3009-022
Local Name: Corner Road over Licking Creek
Project Type: Bridge Restoration
Proposed Construction Start: March 2027
Proposed Construction End: November 2027
Last Updated: March 2025

The SR 3009 Section 022 bridge restoration project is located along Route 3009 (Corner Road) over Licking Creek in Montgomery Township, Franklin County, approximately 4 miles southwest of Mercersburg. The purpose of this project is to rehabilitate the bridge and provide continued safe and efficient crossing of Route 3009 over Licking Creek.

The existing structure was built in 1961 and is a single-span non-composite adjacent box beam bridge supported on full-height concrete abutments at a 75-degree skew. The bridge length is about 73.5 feet measured center-center of bearings.

The project involves the replacement of the beams and deck while keeping the existing abutments. Substructure repairs, minor approach roadway reconstruction, along with guide rail, scour repair, pavement marking and signing updates will also be completed as part of the project.  A temporary stream diversion (cofferdam setup) will be constructed to complete the necessary substructure repairs.  The proposed roadway curb to curb width will remain similar to the existing conditions with 11-foot lanes and 3-foot shoulders. 

This section of Corner Road has an average daily traffic volume of 1,466 vehicles per day.

The bridge will be closed for approximately 8 months to all traffic during construction. The detour will be approximately 3 miles using Blairs Valley Road, and Shimpstown Road, while the truck detour will be approximately 8 miles using Buchanan Trail (Route 416), Fort Loudon Road (Route 75), Clay Lick Road, and Shimpstown Road. Please refer to the project’s Detour Plan graphic.

Overhead utilities are present at the site but they will likely not be impacted as part of this project.

The project is currently in design, and construction work is anticipated to begin in Spring 2027 and last approximately 8 months.

The purpose of the plans display is to introduce the project and solicit public input, questions, or concerns regarding the project.​

A digital version of the information will be available to view online from March 7, 2025, to April 7, 2025.​

Additional Information

Project Description

The SR 3009 Section 022 bridge restoration project is located along Route 3009 (Corner Road) over Licking Creek in Montgomery Township, Franklin County, approximately 4 miles southwest of Mercersburg. The purpose of this project is to rehabilitate the bridge and provide continued safe and efficient crossing of Route 3009 over Licking Creek.

The project involves the replacement of the beams and deck while keeping the existing abutments. Substructure repairs, minor approach roadway reconstruction, along with guide rail, scour repair, pavement marking and signing updates will also be completed as part of the project.  A temporary stream diversion (cofferdam setup) will be constructed to complete the necessary substructure repairs.  The proposed roadway curb to curb width will remain similar to the existing conditions with 11’-0” lanes and 3’-0” shoulders. 

This section of Corner Road has an average daily traffic volume of 1,466 vehicles per day (vpd).


The project is located in a rural setting with terrain varying from level to rolling.  All four quadrants are primarily forested with a residence in the northwest quadrant.  There are no bicycle or pedestrian facilities for this route.  Other environmental efforts for the project include investigating historical, archeological and aquatic resources as well as threatened and endangered species. 


There are overhead utilities in the vicinity of the project that will likely not be impacted by construction.


Temporary right-of-way acquisitions are anticipated to allow the construction of the project. 

Maintenance and Projection of Traffic

The bridge will be closed for approximately 8 months to all traffic during construction.  The detour will be approximately 3 miles using Blairs Valley Road, and Shimpstown Road, while the truck detour will be approximately 8 miles using Buchanan Trail (Route 416), Fort Loudon Road (Route 75), Clay Lick Road, and Shimpstown Road. Please refer to the project’s Detour Plan graphic.

Schedule and Cost

Overall construction is anticipated to last approximately 8 months during the spring, summer and fall of 2027 at an estimated cost of 1.2 million.

Contact Information

Robert Nuss
Project Manager

David M. Thompson
Media Contact
(717) 787-1446


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.

Title VI

Pursuant to the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, PennDOT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. If you feel that you have been denied the benefits of, or participation in a PennDOT program or activity, you may contact the PennDOT, Bureau of Equal Opportunity, DBE/Title VI Division at 717-787-5891.