TSMO Performance Management and Data Resources
Performance management involves utilizing a systematic approach to make investment and policy decisions to achieve performance goals. This effort typically requires the collection and analysis of data from a number of sources like traffic speed probe and crowdsourcing data as well as information from data platforms like PennDOT’s Crash Reporting System (CRS) and Road Condition Reporting System (RCRS).
Performance Management
The links below provide access to several performance management resources.
TSMO Performance Report: This report exists to provide information to personnel within PennDOT and partner agencies who have responsibilities related to roadway operations and incident management. This information is gathered to assist in making decisions to improve the safety and reliability of the PennDOT core roadway network. It provides data related to traffic volumes, congestion sources, incident management, and congestion and work zone-related crashes.
FHWA Transportation Performance Management: This source provides policy and guidance information, state-by-state performance dashboards and reports, capacity building resources, and the latest news regarding transportation performance management.
National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE): The NOCoE provides a suite of resources that serve the TSMO community including peer exchange workshops and webinars, ongoing assessments of best practices, and on-call assistance. The Center is a partnership of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), and the Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITSA) with support from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
PennDOT was privileged to win the 2021 TSMO Awards for Overall Winner, Best TSMO Project, and Project Selection.

The Eastern Transportation Coalition: The Coalition is a partnership of 17 states and the District of Columbia with an emphasis on connecting public agencies across modes of travel to increase safety and efficiency. The Coalition’s TSMO program focuses on strategies such as incident management, traveler information, emergency operations, and congestion management through in-person events, webinars, and data tools.
Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI):
TTI is an agency of the State of Texas and a member of the Texas A&M University System. They are a research entity involved in all facets of transportation including performance management-related topics such as congested corridors reports, freight mobility, mobility/reliability research, national performance management research data sets, and performance-based planning and programming.
Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS): Developed by the University of Maryland Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (CATT) Laboratory, RITIS is a leading big data aggregation and dissemination platform for solving challenging and complex transportation problems. It integrates data from transportation and public safety systems, the private sector, and the military. In addition to numerous other applications, RITIS can be used to help quantify the benefits of operations program strategies and evaluate traffic management effectiveness.
PennDOT Open Data Portal: PennDOT's GIS Open Data Portal provides access to all of the Department’s published GIS data that you can map, style, chart, download, and share, including Pennsylvania's safety devices and assets.
Data Resources
The links below provide access to several data resources.
Traffic Incident/Roadwork Data
PennDOT’s Road Condition Reporting System (RCRS) feed provides real-time information for traffic incidents, roadwork, winter road conditions, and other events.
Traffic Speed Data
Eligible organizations may request access to real-time and historical traffic speed data for PA routes going back to 2011. Speed is provided to PennDOT by INRIX.
In addition to access to the raw data, eligible agencies can receive access to the analytics tools available in the Probe Data Analytics Suite, developed by the University of Maryland's Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (CATT) Laboratory.
To be eligible to access speed data, your organization must be either:
- A member of the Eastern Transportation Coalition (PDF)
- A contractor/university doing work on behalf of PennDOT which requires use of the data
For more information, view the Eastern Transportation Coalition's Quick Start Sheet (PDF), or submit a request via the Data Feed Request Form.
Traffic Cameras
PennDOT provides partners with real-time video images from any of PennDOT's over 950 traffic cameras.
PennDOT provides the following options for partners to access camera images:
Direct Access to Camera Feeds - Partners may request direct access to the live feeds from PennDOT cameras for embedding in their own website/application. For more information about options for accessing camera feeds directly, click here.
MVIEW Application - Emergency Responders and Transportation Safety Partner agencies that wish to view PennDOT traffic cameras, without integrating them into their own system, may apply for access to the MVIEW video sharing application. For additional information or to request access, please email ra-pdmview@pa.gov.
Using Data Feeds
To request access to data feeds, submit the Data Feed Request Form. Use of data feeds is governed by our Terms and Conditions for Use (PDF). There is no charge for using PennDOT data feeds. However, streaming video users will need to purchase the bandwidth necessary to access the streams from their location. More details will be provided when PennDOT follows up on your registration request.
Data feed users are required to acknowledge PennDOT as the source of data within their public-facing applications, and are encouraged to do so by using official PennDOT or 511PA logos. Users will be provided with guidance on the use of logos and appropriate image files after their request for access has been granted.
Contact Us
If you would like to receive communications about new or updated data sources, please email penndotdata@pa.gov to join our mailing list. For questions or other inquiries, please email at penndotdata@pa.gov.