Cultural Resources Management Program

During transportation project planning, PennDOT must consider how each project could affect Pennsylvania's cultural resources. Cultural resources include bridges, buildings, archaeological sites, and other properties  listed in, or eligible for listing in, the National Register of Historic Places(opens in a new tab).

PennDOT maintains a staff of cultural resource professionals (CRPs) with expertise in archaeology and historic preservation. These CRPs work with project managers and environmental managers during the design process to design transportation projects which avoid or minimize effects to cultural resources, to the extent possible. The CRPs consult with the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Office(opens in a new tab), federally recognized Native American tribes and nations, the public, and others pursuant to Section 106(opens in a new tab) of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Pennsylvania State History Code(opens in a new tab) which require consideration of effects to historic properties. For federally-funded highway projects, the CRPs act on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration.

This webpage provides visitors with access to our staff directory, our publications, and other useful information related to our program. It highlights some of our successes in preserving historic bridges and presents the results of some of our archaeological investigations and historical research.

​Recent Updates

Historic Bridges of PA

Explore and discover historic bridges in your local community and across the state with the Historic Bridges of Pennsylvania GIS Web Map. 

Stone Arch Bridge in Northampton County

Learn about stone arch bridges in Northampton County through this interactive story map!

Bridge Success Story Image

Read about PennDOT's successful rehabilitation and relocation projects by clicking here!
