Intersection of Route 199 and Pine Street
Route 199 - Full Depth Reconstruction, Bradford County

Route 199 - Full Depth Reconstruction, Athens and Sayre Boroughs, Bradford County

Project Information

County: Bradford
State Route:  199
Local Name:  Main Street, Athens; Keystone Avenue, Sayre; Mohawk Street, Sayre; and Spring Street, Sayre.
Project Type: Road Reconstruction
Proposed Start: Fall 2020
Proposed End: Fall 2024
Last Updated: 3/11/25

Project Overview

​​​​​​​The pavement along Bradford County Route 199-010 has reached the end of its viable life and needs to be replaced. The project located in Athens and Sayre Boroughs, Bradford County, begins at the northern side of the Norfolk Southern Railroad Tracks (Agway) on Route 199 and goes to the end of Route 199 at the New York State Line. This work is a reconstruction project including new curbing, ADA accommodations at the intersections, where appropriate, improved drainage, signal upgrades at three intersections, and some utility upgrades.

The project was let in 2020 and will take approximately four years to construct. The project will be constructed, for the most part, in half widths with the southbound direction using Route 199 throughout and the northbound direction will be detoured onto various routes as the construction phases progress. More detailed traffic schematics can be found on the right pane under resources.

PennDOT's team consisted of project management personnel, traffic specialists, municipal services, and consultants who collectively developed the project.

During public outreach, all public officials were contacted and invited to attend the meetings including police, hospitals, schools, emergency services, government officials, businesses, residents, etc.

Project Contact

Primary Contact  - Construction Inspector Supervisor

Lake Thomas I 

Phone: 570-971-9832


Secondary Contact - Project Manager

Kevin Lehman I

Phone: 570-916-4068


Construction Project Manager

Kevin Smith |

Phone: 570.368.4231


Community Relations Coordinator

Maggie Baker |

Phone: 570.368.4202


Design Project Manager

Rebecca Jackson  |

Phone: 570-368-4391


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Project Statistics

Contract Cost: $16,426,020

Percentage Complete: 100%

Primary Contractor: Kriger Construction, Inc.


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.