District 4 Projects - Wayne County

​Resurfacing Project on Route 296, 170 Ect

project status

Project Overview

County: Wayne
Project Type: Resurfacing Project
Start: May 2024
End: Fall 2024
Last Updated: April 16, 2024

This project is for the resurfacing of approximately 27.467 miles of existing roadway on various routes and municipalities in Wayne County.

The project consists of milling, line painting, mechanized edge repair, base repair, and shoulder backup. All work will be completed within the existing roadway. The project is resurfacing approximately 26.61 miles of existing roadway on the below state routes. 

Route 296 from Segment 10 to Segment 350 Offset 1765

Route 170 from Segment 10 to Segment 150 Offset 3937

Route 3016 from Segment 10 to Segment 50 Offset 2722

Route 3019 from Segment 130 to Segment 140 Offset 2591

Route 6 from Segment 70 to Segment 70 Offset 1500

Route 6 from Segment 230 Offset 1574 to Segment 250 Offset 1293​

Traffic Control

Construction will be controlled by flaggers. There are no current detours at this time.​

Contact Information

Eric Daniels
PennDOT Project Manager

Jessica Ruddy
PennDOT Press Officer
(570) 963-4044


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.