District 8 Projects - Cumberland County

Lemoyne Bottleneck Improvements

Lemoyne Bottleneck Improvements Map

Project Status

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Project Overview

County: Cumberland
State Route: 1010
Local Name: Lemoyne Bottleneck Improvements
Project Type: Roadway Rehabilitation
Proposed Construction Start: Winter/Spring 2026
Proposed Construction End: Fall 2026 
Last Updated: December 2024

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is currently performing preliminary engineering and environmental studies for a planned project to provide roadway improvements to SR 1010 (Market Street) in the Boroughs of Lemoyne and Wormleysburg in Cumberland County, PA. The Market Street corridor between South 3rd Street and the Market Street Bridge is commonly referred to as the Lemoyne Bottleneck and connects the West Shore communities with downtown Harrisburg via the adjacent Market Street Bridge.

The purpose of the project is to improve mobility and safety for bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists on SR 1010 (Market Street) through the Lemoyne Bottleneck.

The primary need that the project addresses is the high levels of stress for bicyclists and pedestrians throughout the Lemoyne Bottleneck due to several issues including: 

  • High traffic volumes
  • Curvilinear roadway alignment
  • Limited sight distance
  • Inconsistent or nonexistent shoulder widths
  • Poor condition and narrow sidewalks along corridor and at Norfolk Southern railroad bridges

The project improvements along the approximate 0.4 mile corridor potentially includes:

  • Roadway reconfiguration, with potentially an eastbound lane reduction
  • Widening at select locations to improve geometry for travel lane and shoulder widths, and to increase sight distance
  • Pavement resurfacing, drainage, signing and pavement marking upgrades
  • New curbing, ramps, driveways, and sidewalk or shared use paths to meet Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements
  • Providing barrier protection or removing fixed objects where possible to reduce future crash potential
  • Crosswalk modifications to improve safety
  • Traffic signal/lighting upgrades
  • Improve Emergency Medical Services (EMS) access and driveway access along the project corridor 

​A public “Open House” meeting was held on Monday, January 29, 2024, from 5:00-8:00 PM, at the Lemoyne Borough Municipal Building to share information and get input on the proposed alternatives. This included a 30 day comment period. The public meeting resource documents are listed on the right side of this page.​

The project is currently in the preliminary design phase, and work is anticipated to take place during the 2026 construction season, subject to all approvals, environmental clearances, and funding availability.


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.

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