
The Office of Planning leads many multimodal programs and initiatives and serves as a valuable resource to the Commonwealth's 24 Metropolitan and Rural Planning Organizations, the State Transportation CommissionTransportation Advisory Committee, local governments, and the general public.

The Mission

To provide planning, business intelligence, analytics, and technical assistance to ensure innovative solutions, sound stewardship, and collaborative, transparent decisions. The Planning Deputate is comprised of three bureaus:

Planning for mobility, access, and reliability

  • Long-Range Transportation Plan
  • Freight Movement Plan
  • 12-Year Program and Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
  • Transportation Performance Report
  • PennDOT Connects
  • Byways Program
  • Pennsylvania Infrastructure Bank

Funding and financial guidance

Contract management

  • Innovative transportation projects through PennDOT Capital Plan screening and unsolicited proposals
  • Agreements with the private sector to participate in the delivery of transportation through alternative funding sources
  • The advancement of new initiatives and programs

More information on the P3 Office

  • Big data and visualization tools
  • New products research
  • Geographic Information Systems services and products
  • Transportation planning

More Information on the Bureau of Planning and Research


The PennDOT Planning Network

PennDOT Connects

Planning starts with collaboration efforts at the very beginning - with our Pennyslvania communities.  See how PennDOT Connects is a cost-effective approach for transportation planning. 

Transportation Plans

Current plans and shaping Pennsylvania's future transportation needs

Programs and Funding

Funding assistance available for various transportation initiatives

Traffic and Mapping

The latest traffic data along with current and historical Pennsylvania maps

Transportation Studies

Various research studies PennDOT has conducted, taken part in, or contributed to